Biography is the largest free global social network, resource site, and online community of HR Executives, providing thousands of worldwide HR Professionals and Suppliers with easy access to shared knowledge on best practices, trends and industry news in order to help them develop their most important asset – their people. 200,000+ members visit us daily to learn, earn credits, attend live webcasts and virtual conferences, network, blog, join a community, and get the answers they need to manage the people side of their business. has put together a number of Institutes for Human Resources focusing on a number of verticals. We are committed to furthering the deployment and adoption of best practices across the Human Capital space. Each Institute provides an opportunity to bring together industry thought leaders in a year-long community that promotes best practices among vendors and HR Professionals with a series of research, webcasts, presentations, virtual events, awards and market research.
The Facilitator is responsible for bringing the committee together, coordinating marketing and event efforts,soliciting memberships and sponsors, as well as gathering content opportunities that are relevant and pertinent to each Institute. The board is also responsible for research and accreditation affiliate programs.