Tara Tobin Cataldo has served in various roles at UF since 1999, including the biological sciences librarian at the Marston Science Library. She has recently transitioned to a research consulting role where she assists scholars in the discovery and organization of online information resources, navigating open access publishing and measuring the impact of published research through research metrics.
Areas of Expertise (4)
Discovery of Research Metrics
Information Seeking Behavior
Research Metrics
Open Access Publishing
Articles (3)
Students’ Perceptions of Preprints Discovered in Google: A Window into Recognition And Evaluation
College & Research LibrariesTara Tobin Cataldo, et. al
Preprints play an important role in scholarly conversation. This paper examines perceptions of preprints through the lens of students using a simulated Google environment. Data were collected from 116 high school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate students with attention toward the helpfulness, credibility, and identification of preprints.
Ten simple rules for avoiding predatory publishing scams
PLoS Computational BiologyMichelle Leonard, et. al
It is easy to imagine predatory publishers ready to pounce at any moment. They present real threats to professional reputations and obstacles on the long road from research to dissemination.
Backgrounds and behaviors: Which students successfully identify online resources in the face of container collapse
First MondayChristopher Cyr, et. al
In a digital environment, students have difficulty determining whether an information resource comes from a book, magazine, journal, blog, or other container, and lose the contextual information that these containers provide. This study of students from primary through graduate school looks at their ability to identify the containers of information resources, and how this ability is affected by their demographic traits, the resource features they attended to, and their behaviors during a task-based simulation.