William Frank Diedrich is a Speaker, Executive Coach, and the author of four books, including Beyond Blaming: Unleashing Power and Passion in People and Organizations and Adults at Work. Bill coaches executives and teams at all levels in organizations. His work includes Interventions, Change Management/Leadership, Leadership Development, and Team Building.
Bill speaks within organizations and at conferences on Leadership, Moving Beyond Blaming,
Being an Adult at Work, Spiritual Intelligence, and the New Matrix Management.
Industry Expertise (6)
Health Care - Facilities
Financial Services
Areas of Expertise (3)
Moving Beyond Blaming
Being A Center of Influence.
Spiritual Intelligence
Accomplishments (1)
Executive Coaching (professional)
Over the past twelve years I have assisted many leaders through interventions in their departments or organizations. These interventions have served to improve communications and eliminate or reduce conflict between people.
Education (1)
Western Michigan University: M.A., Counseling and Personnel
Affiliations (1)
Links (7)
Sample Talks (3)
Being An Adult at Work
Imagine if people at work owned their behavior and refused to blame or complain. Imagine if everyone was self reflective and understood their impact on others. How powerful and successful would your workplace be. There is an "inner adult" in each of us. Rather than bringing out the inner child we would be better off cultivating our inner adult.
The New Matrix Management
The new matrix management begins with a mindset of unconditional accountability, partnership with others, and being vision and value driven. This is a departure from the parent child relationship between manager and employee in traditional organizations. The purpose of this interactive presentation is to enhance the abilities of people to build strong cross-functional partnerships that will optimize the work of the organization.
Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual Intelligence is the choice between ego and Spirit (higher self, God, Inspiration, Intuition, whatever you call it.) In this presentation you will have the opportunity to explore and assess your spiritual intelligence.
- Keynote
- Workshop Leader
- Author Appearance