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Learning Partnerships: Leadership Insights from your Tribes
This presentation provokes leaders to 'lose their minds to come to their senses'. Command and control management will not work with today's tribal mentality. Today, managers must lead. For the last decade as I've worked with leaders in organisations, it has become apparent that leadership that works in today's complex environment has great similarities with leadership we've seen in the past in families, tribes and society. Tribal leadership is a different way of looking at the world. In the context of the tribe, leaders need to understand two critical elements of their leadership. 1. The essence of their leadership. This is what informs the actions of tribal leaders. Their personal essence enables authenticity to thrive. 2. The actions of their leadership. Essence is nothing without action. Tribal leaders actively work to ensure their actions enable their followers to achieve great outcomes and to grow to their full potential. When these two elements are present, good leadership is possible. And when these two elements are connected by learning partnerships, great leadership is possible. It is also about being inspirational: Courage and adaptability of the leader to energise others to step up towards actualising the common vision through learning partnerships, self re?ection and leveraging the experience and knowledge in the greater group to re-integrate self and learning Making it happen means understanding the ?7 R's? of Leadership Action: How functional work tribes are similar to happy families through: Role modelling Respect Rules Routine Review & Re?ect Reorganise Running it - Response-ability
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