Tulane University

Tulane University

6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, 70118, LA, US



A member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, Tulane University is consistently ranked among the top 50 universities in the nation. With research and educational partnerships that span the globe and its location in historic New Orleans, Tulane offers undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees in the liberal arts, science and engineering, architecture, business, law, social work, medicine and public health and tropical medicine.



Experts (124)

Raymond Taras

Raymond Taras

Professor of Political Science

Dr. Taras is an expert on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the collapse of the USSR and Russia's identity in international relations.

European foreign policy Russia-Ukraine crisis Collapse of the USSR

Alex Turvy

Alex Turvy

Doctoral student | Department of Sociology

Alex Turvy is an expert on social media culture and memes working to study how the Internet shapes the entirety of our social relationships.

Twitter & Social Media Strategies Instagram Memes Social Media Tik Tok Facebook

J. Cameron Verhaal

J. Cameron Verhaal

Associate Professor; Albert R. Lepage Professorship in Business

J. Cameron Verhaal is an expert in business marketing and management, entrepreneurship, firm reputation and medical marijuana.

Status, growth and success of small firms Authenticity Entrepreneurship Business Marketing Medical Marijuana Business Management Firm Reputation Craft Industries (Organic foods, craft beer, artisan producers)

Fred Wietfeldt

Fred Wietfeldt

Department Chair and Professor

Dr. Wietfeldt is a professor and chair of the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics