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Often overlooked and unloved, Q&A content can make a big impact

Over the years, we’ve established ourselves as a leading authority on ways to publish expert content, and we are major fans of Q&A. As formats go, there simply is no better return on investment than Q&A. Yes simple, questions and answers. The same content your digital team may have dismissed as simple FAQ’s. You may hear comments such as “aren’t those just for customer support?” or “We don’t do FAQ’s on our site.” “We’re too busy creating more professional content for our audiences such as blogs.” We get that. This report presents a compelling case for the Q&A content format, and takes a fresh look at the role it plays as part of a balanced content strategy.

About ExpertFile

It’s time to better showcase your expertise and reach new audiences with the world’s first Expertise Marketing Platform. Leading organizations from Higher Education to Healthcare and Professional Services rely on ExpertFile to showcase their expert content using our industry-leading methodologies and a collaborative SaaS platform. We’ll help you identify and showcase experts in your organization who can successfully support a broad range of engagements – from increasing sales, media mentions, speaking engagements and professional connections to delivering a more engaging website experience for your visitors.

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