Joshua Voss, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Joshua Voss's areas of interest include coral reef ecology, coral health and disease, molecular ecology, marine conservation and management.
Coral Health and Disease Coral Reef Ecosystems Marine Conservation Molecular Ecology Coral Reef Ecology
William Louda, Ph.D.
Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University
WIlliam Louda studies algal blooms, water quality, and how that affects microalgal communities (phytoplankton, periphyton, epiphytes etc.).
Algal Blooms Organic Geochemistry Phosphorus Pollution Photosynthetic and Accessory Pigments Microalgal Communities
Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.
Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University
Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.
Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology
Roy S. Houston
Professor Emeritus of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Coral Reef Ecology Functional morphology and ecology of marine gastropods Intertidal and subtidal ecology
Richard Aronson, Ph.D.
Department Head | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Aronson's research combines paleontology and ecology to reconstruct the response of marine communities to environmental changes.
Marine Biology Coral-Reef Ecology Ecology Paleobiology Antarctica
Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.
Expert in coastal water health · Florida Gulf Coast University
Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.
Coral Reef Ecology Ciguatera Outbreaks Coastal Water Health Plankton Ecosystems Harmful Algal Blooms