Benjamin Lewis

ASL Lecturer · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

American Sign Language Deaf Culture‎ Deaf History

Laura Mauldin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Laura Mauldin is a sociologist focused on health and illness; caregiving; and disability, Deaf, and science and technology studies.

Sociology Human Development and Family Sciences Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies Disability Studies Deaf Studies

Linda Campbell

Professor, Environmental Science · Saint Mary's University

Professor | Senior Research Fellow in Environmental Science

Environment Pollution Ecology Mercury Mercury and arsenic in aquatic ecosystems

Melissa Powell-Williams, PhD

Professor of Sociology · Augusta University

Dr. Powell-Williams' research interests include domestic violence victim advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deaf culture Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Subcultures Social Movements Organizations

Marie Coppola, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences focused on language acquisition, ASL, deaf culture, and cognitive science.

Lange Acquisition Number Cognition Homesign Language Emergence Cognitive Development