Jason Kaiser

Department Chair Geosciences/Associate Professor of Geology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in volcanoes and understanding how and why magma accumulates in the Earth’s crust

Structural Geology Chemistry of Minerals Potential Natural Disasters in Southern Utah Potential Geological Hazards in Southern Utah Volcanology

Jodie Hayob

Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences · University of Mary Washington

Professor Hayob has expertise in petrology, minerology and geochemistry.

Geology Petrology Mineralogy Geochemistry

Amy Fagan

Assistant Professor · Western Carolina University

Amy Fagan studies NASA’s planetary geology, with a focus on petrology, mineralogy, and lunar geology.

Petrology Minerology Planetary Geology Lunar Geology

Rhiannon Mayne

Oscar and Juanita Monnig Endowed Chair of Meteoritics and Planetary Science · Texas Christian University

Museum curator and researcher specializing in the study of meteorites and planetary science, as well as education and public outreach.

Planets Meteors Astroids