Kelly Welch, PhD
Professor of Sociology and Criminology; Program Director, Criminlogy | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Kelly Welch, PhD, is an expert on racial and ethnic profiling, racial disparities in school discipline and public punitiveness toward crime.
Criminology Racial Profiling School-to-Prison Pipeline Race and Justice Social Justice
Yasser Payne
Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice; Africana Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Payne's research examines gun violence; policing and reentry; and educational inequality in street-identified populations.
Gun Violence Street Ethnography School Violence and School-To-Prison Pipeline Experiences With Police Ethnographic Field Research
Aaron Kupchik
Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware
Prof. Kupchik focuses on juvenile justice and the punishment and policing of youth in schools, courts, and correctional facilities.
Crime and Inequality in Schools Crime and Incarceration Crime Rates Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities
Ashlee R. Barnes-Lee
Assistant Professor of Social Work · Michigan State University
Her research aims to mitigate racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile legal system and disparities in school-based discipline.
Juvenile Justice Reform Racial and Ethnic Disparities in School-Based Discipline Strengths-Based Risk Assessment and Treatment Community-Driven Research Methods Scale Development