Wang Feng

Professor of Sociology · UC Irvine

Wang Feng is a leading expert on demography, aging, and inequality - particularly in China.

China Post-Communist Societies Social Inequality Social Demography Contemporary Chinese Society

Felicia Pratto, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Psychology expert, specializing in race and sex discrimination and intergroup dynamics

Terrorism and counter-terrorism Xenophobia Prejudice, tace- and sex- discrimination in hiring Homophobia Violations of International Humanitarian Law in war-time

Matthew Hughey, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

A scholar of racism and racial inequality in identity formation, organizations, media, politics, science, religion, and public advocacy.

Religion Fraternities and Sororities Organizations Whiteness Media

Kenneth A. Frank

Professor of Measurement and Quantitative Methods · Michigan State University

Kenneth A. Frank studies how roles and relationships among teachers affect classroom practices and school decision-making.

causal inference and education research methods Social networks among teachers and the impact of social dynamics in schools adolescent decision-making in social contexts

Kathryn Libal, Ph.D.

Director, Human Rights Institute and Professor, Social Work & Human Rights · University of Connecticut

Professor Libal researches human rights norms and practices, including the ability to secure adequate food and housing.

U.S. Resettlement of Refugees Asylum Seekers Women's Rights Children's Rights Migrant Children

Richard Arum

Professor of Education and Sociology · UC Irvine

Richard Arum's research is focused on education, social stratification and formal organizations.

Social Stratification Legal and Institutional Environments of Schools Digital Education

Professor Susan Watkins

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Professor Susan Watkins is an expert in contemporary women's fiction and feminist theory.

Contemporary Women's Dystopian and Apocalyptic Fiction Doris Lessing Gender Culture Ageing

Joshua Sapotichne

Assistant Professor of Political Science · Michigan State University

An expert on public policy, urban politics and the policy relationship between the U.S. government, state governments and local governments

State Politics Local Politics Public Policy Urban Politics Federal Politics

Jennifer Cobbina

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Expertise is in topics on race, crime, and policing; protest movements; and prisoner reentry

Race, Crime, and Policing Gender and Crime Race and Crime Prisoner Re-entry

Jason von Meding

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jason von Meding is an expert in how disaster affects people.

Disaster and Public Health Preparedness Natural Disaster Assessment Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Management Sustainability

Anne Wilson

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology · Wilfrid Laurier University

Expert in identity, time, memory, goals, inequality, and cultural norms

Social Psychology Self/Identity Well-Being Psychology of change and stability Psychology of time and space

Susan Prentice

Professor · University of Manitoba

Professor Prentice's primary specialization is contemporary and historical childcare policy and advocacy

Social Inequality Social Change Systemic Discrimination Historical Sociology Childcare Policy

Jocelyn Thorpe

Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies Program · University of Manitoba

Professor Thorpe explores the history and legacies of colonialism in the Canadian context

Critical Race Theory Feminism Environmental Studies Colonialism Social Inequality

Candice Odgers

Professor Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Candice Odgers is a developmental psychologist who studies adolescents’ mental health and development.

Early Adversity Quantitative Psychology Social Inequality Technology and Young People Digital Inequality

Dr Elisabeth Schimpfössl

Senior Lecturer · Aston University

Dr Schimpfössl's research interests are the sociology of elites as well as power and social inequality.

Philanthropy Social Inequality Sociology Elites Russia

Rick Eckstein, PhD

Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Rick Eckstein, PhD, is an expert on sports and society, intercollegiate spending, stadium financing and labor and unions.

Title IX College Athletics Reform Sociology of Sport Stadium Financing Labor and Unions

Angela Hattery

Professor, Women and Gender Studies; Co-Director, Center for Study & Prevention of GBV · University of Delaware

Prof. Hattery teaches courses on race and gender inequality, families, and methods.

Mass Incarceration Solitary Confinement Gender Inequalities Racial Inequality Domestic Violence

Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Professor, Sociologist & Researcher, DEI Expert · Sheridan College

DEI, Social Inequality; Immigration; Integration; Refugees; Racism; Islamophobia; Deviance; Radicalization; Terrorism; Hate Crimes.

Sociology Social Activism Politics Global Media and Culture Immigration and Ethnicity Immigration and Citizenship

Brendan Cantwell

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Brendan Cantwell's research interests include the study of higher education organization, governance, & finance in the US & internationally.

Educational Administration Higher Education Comparative Education

Meng Li

Associate Professor of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

College of Communication & Fine Arts

China Ethnography Infrastructure Gender and Family Family Communication