Professor Mark Fielder

Professor of Medical Microbiology · Kingston University

His work explores the nature of viruses, antimicrobial resistance, and public perceptions of vaccines and antibiotics.

Animal-Human Disease Transfer Vaccines Viruses Microbiology Antibiotics

Benjamin Anderson

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Benjamin Anderson's expertise includes pathogen discovery and the use of novel virus surveillance techniques.

Pathogen Discovery Virology Respiratory Viruses Public Health One Health

Lina Moses

Clinical Assistant Professor · Tulane University

Lina Moses' primary interest is the control of viral zoonoses transmitted from small mammals

COVID-19 Ecology Epidemiology Zoonoses Pathogens

Ryan Arsenault

Associate Professor, Animal Science · University of Delaware

Prof. Arsenault's research interests include animal biology from a kinome perspective and gut health.

Animal Biosciences One Health Gut Health Animal Sciences Microbiome