Finding your college fit

Finding a college that is a match made, not a prize to be won.

Oct 19, 2024

2 min

Robert Alexander

With the college admissions application season in full swing, Robert Alexander, University Dean of Enrollment Management at Rochester, offers some perspective for all high school seniors as they begin to navigate the process and ultimately make a decision that is a match made, not a prize to be won.

"When considering academic fit, don’t spend a ton time, energy and money trying to reverse engineer a way to game the system to find your way in. You don’t want to end up somewhere and find that you’re struggling just to keep your head above water, or that you’re swimming with sharks in a cutthroat and competitive environment. Once you identify a few characteristics that are important to your fit, then you can broaden your aperture to a range of schools that meet some of those parameters—the right size, campus type, focus, selectivity, and academic programs offered.

"When it’s time to start filling out college applications, discern how you’ll tell YOUR story: in your essay or short answer responses; in how you determine which teachers you’ll ask to write recommendation letters; and in topics you raise in an interview. Remember, colleges aren’t looking for a single perfect archetype student, but rather a diverse array of students who are interesting in different ways. In fact, more important than someone who might be the “perfect applicant” is someone who acknowledges they’re not flawless, but wants to strive to become better. Find ways to convey what’s authentically you, emphasizing your strengths, but including some areas where you want to grow and change, and maybe some vulnerabilities, too.

"As far as financial fit, don’t eliminate any college that seems like a great fit for you just because of the published sticker price. Colleges are required to have a net price calculator on their website. But the only way to know your exact cost is to apply for admission, academic merit scholarships, and federal and state grants."

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Robert Alexander

Robert Alexander

Vice Provost & University Dean for Enrollment Management

Alexander is an expert in undergraduate admissions, enrollment management, and curricular design.

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