1 min
Humber Experts Available to Provide Insight into Canadian Economic Forecast
Professor Alvina Cassiani is available to provide commentary on the current Canadian economic forecast. Source:

Professors Bingham and Buote are available to discuss the history and future of Canada's National Anthem.
Richard Bingham is a professor of Creative Advertising at Humber College's School of Media Studies.
Wanda Buote is the Principal of the Lakeshore Campus at Humber College.
1 min
Professor Alvina Cassiani is available to provide commentary on the current Canadian economic forecast. Source:
1 min
Professor Steve Bellamy and President Chris Whitaker are available to share their perspectives on the proposed privatization of Hydro One. Source:
Check out some other posts from Humber College
1 min
Professor Alvina Cassiani is available to provide commentary on the current Canadian economic forecast. Source:
1 min
Professor Steve Bellamy and President Chris Whitaker are available to share their perspectives on the proposed privatization of Hydro One. Source: