Trade, Territory and Diplomatic Relations: Under President Trump What will America’s Relationship with China Look Like?

Trade, Territory and Diplomatic Relations: Under President Trump What will America’s Relationship with China Look Like?

January 25, 20172 min read

Since Jan. 20, 2017, America has seen a new style of leadership and authority under President Donald Trump. Trade agreements that were already in place are now under renegotiation, and even agreements like the Trans Pacific Partnership that were expected to be scrutinized by Congress have all but been abandoned.

On the international stage, even long held reservations and hesitations to comment on sensitive topics like Taiwan and the ‘One China’ policy seem to be off the table when brought up in public conversation.

So, what will this mean for the short- and long- term relationships between the world’s two most powerful countries? Can we expect conflict, military posturing, trade wars and currency battles? Or will the two sides have to simply ‘re-learn’ how to negotiate and cooperate in the new Trump era?

But a new person in charge isn’t just an American issue. China too may see a change in leadership at its highest levels this fall. That is a factor that has many watching and wondering about that country’s future direction. For America’s economy, and the global economy – there is much at stake and many world leaders are watching.

A recent discussion at the Brookings Institution explored the expectations for China’s leadership change and the prospects for U.S.-China relations in the interim.

Dr. Dennis Hickey is a global studies expert specializing in Asian politics and American foreign policy at Missouri State University. His extensive experience and perspective have made him one of the leading opinions on this topic. Simply click of Dr. Hickey’s icon to arrange an interview.


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