Super Bowl is over. Is it time to kick-off a healthier lifestyle?

Feb 6, 2017

1 min

The big game is over and football players have hung up their cleats for another season. Odds are just about everyone had their fill of food. And with that, perhaps it is time to put away the snacks and call time out on the junk food as well?

In America, heart disease remains the leading cause of death for all adults in the United States. Most of these deaths could be prevented by simple changes to diet, lifestyle and increased physical activity.

But it’s not as simple as it sounds. What to eat, when to eat and how to eat are all factors in changing habits and leading a healthier, longer life.

Natalie Allen is a clinical instructor in biomedical sciences at Missouri State University. She is also the lead dietitian for all MSU athletes. She is an expert in this area and is available to speak to media. Click on Allen's icon to arrange an interview.


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