There’s no app for that. Financial planning and your retirement are not a click away

There’s no app for that. Financial planning and your retirement are not a click away

February 9, 20171 min read

Smartphones may be one of the best technological advancements of our era. In your pocket, you have you home computer, your phone and for most people – their life. Be it a cab, your bank account or a dinner reservation – anything you may need is simply a touch away.

Apps have transformed service models and convenience, but not everything in life should be as simple as posting to social media or hailing a ride with Uber. A growing trend some financial experts are seeing is investing apps. People are investing small and large amounts of money through their phone. Some are minor increments, some can be substantial sums of money. Most are done without thought or advice.

While convenient – what’s not clear are the fees nor the portfolios. Odds are someone is getting rich, and it might not be those investing.

James Philpot is an associate professor in finance and general business, and director of the Financial Planning Program at Missouri State University. He's an expert in this area and is available to speak to media. Click on his icon to arrange an interview.


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