World Pneumonia Day

World Pneumonia Day

Did you know that Pneumonia accounts for 16% of all deaths of children under 5 years old, killing 920 136 children in 2015. It is astounding.

In America, according to the Center for Diseases Control, each year about 1 million people have to seek care in a hospital due to pneumonia, and about 50,000 people die from the disease.

Most of the people affected by pneumonia in the United States are adults.

And in Canada, for children, older people and those already dealing with compromised health – pneumonia is the 8th leading cause of death in the country.

It is for these reasons that November 12 has been declared World Pneumonia Day by the World Health Organization and the World Health Organization is making pneumonia prevention a top priority.

But what can we do to prevent pneumonia? What are the signs and symptoms? Is there a vaccine?

There are a lot of questions about pneumonia and that is where experts from the International Federation on Ageing can help.

Dr. Jane Barratt is the Secretary General of the International Federation on Ageing and is an internationally respected speaker on age-related issues across the globe. Dr. Barratt is available to speak with media regarding World Pneumonia Day, and the need for pneumonia awareness and prevention strategies all year round. Simply click on her icon to arrange an interview.
