Giving thanks – Do We Remember Why? SUU’s Experts Can Help

Giving thanks – Do We Remember Why? SUU’s Experts Can Help


Thanksgiving, it’s one of America’s favorite holidays. Typically the day includes a lot of food, spending time with family, watching football and giving thanks. But how many people remember the significance of the day? Why do we stop and celebrate?

To many, Thanksgiving is part of the American myth where we were told that pilgrims fresh off the Mayflower somewhere around 1621 were saved from starvation by the neighboring Wampanoag Indians.

Others credit George Washington proclaiming Thanksgiving in 1789 after beating off the British.

For Native Americans – the day is a solemn remembrance of the injustices their people have incurred since colonization.

Dr. Mark Miller, department chair of history at Southern Utah University, is an expert in American civilization and Native American culture and is available to speak to media about the true origins and history behind Thanksgiving. He can answer questions regarding why we give thanks, the origins of the holiday or the significance of turkey.

The story of Thanksgiving is complicated, but that’s where Dr. Miller can help. Visit his profile to arrange an interview.


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  • Mark Miller
    Mark Miller Professor of History

    Specializing in Native American identity and citizenship, wars of independence, and the economic history of the American midwest

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