‘Healthy body = Healthy mind’ Might be more than just a saying according to recent research

‘Healthy body = Healthy mind’ Might be more than just a saying according to recent research

There is growing evidence that shows keeping physically active is good for brain health.

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is best described as a slight decline in cognitive abilities like thinking and memory. Although it is not serious enough to interfere with one’s daily living as they age and grow older, a person with MCI has an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia.

The good news: MCI may be treatable.

Several studies are showing that older adults with MCI, halt and in some cases, turn back and improve their conditions with regular exercise and activity. New guidelines by the American Academy of Neurology recommend that people with MCI exercise regularly. In some cases – as little as 20 minutes a day can make a substantial difference.

Will this change the way family doctors talk about growing older with patients? Will physical activity be the game changer for preventing Alzheimer’s?

The science behind brain health and cognitive reserve is complex, with numerous implications for older people and ageing populations – that’s where our experts can help. The International Federation on Ageing's Expert Centre has several experts who can speak to this subject. Experts on cognitive issues, health promotion and gerontology are available. Simply click on one of their icons to arrange an interview.
