Generations Sharing Knowledge and Wisdom

Generations Sharing Knowledge and Wisdom

Ensuring that as people age, they are able to continue to do what they value is of critical importance with a rapidly ageing global population. However, with more and more older people experiencing loneliness, social isolation and the corresponding health issues, for many this is not the case. To combat this growing issue, IFA Expert Dr Amy D’Aprix is part of the growing movement that encourages intergenerational relationships as a means to improve the health and wellbeing of older people globally.

With an extensive background working with older people and their caregiving families, as well as educating other professionals about the needs of caregiving and ageing, Dr D'Aprix has seen firsthand the benefits of intergenerational relations. She can be contacted through ExpertFile for more information on how to facilitate these relationships, as well as on how to help people to take a life course approach to planning for later life, so that they can age with more independence and with better quality of life.

“If we can start bringing the generations together, I think what we stop doing is having competition between the generations.” – Dr Amy D’Aprix

There are many positive benefits to participating in intergenerational relationships for individuals of all ages. Not only does encouraging social interactions between generations reduce loneliness and social isolation, but it actually can lead to health benefits and an increase a person’s lifespan. In a recent article published by the New York Times, the role that older people could have through youth mentoring was discussed as another important way to share wisdom and new learnings across generations.

Fostering intergenerational connections and dialogues is just one of many critical ways to encourage the healthy ageing of older people, while also combating ageism. Interested in learning more? The IFA 15th Global Conference of Ageing registration and abstract submission are now open and provide an exciting opportunity to share examples of good practice and learn from global experts!