Covering cyber-security and internet crime? Let our expert help with your stories

Covering cyber-security and internet crime? Let our expert help with your stories

October 30, 20191 min read

The internet just turned 50 and along with the celebration and progress comes with it concern about crime, cyber-security and how all that data that’s moving along the information super-highway is kept secure.

It seems every almost daily now there are stories of data-breaches, corporations being hacked, computers being held ransom and rogue nations looking to steal secrets or even launch attacks online.

Beyond personal security, the world is on heightened alert around countries' elections, as international interference has become a real threat to national security.

If you’re a journalist covering this beat – let one of the leading experts in the country help with your stories.

Thomas J. Holt is a professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University whose research focuses on computer hacking, malware, and the role of the Internet in facilitating all manner of crime and deviance. His work has been published in various journals including Crime and Delinquency, Deviant Behavior, the Journal of Criminal Justice, and Youth and Society.

Professor Holt is available to speak with media about these issues – simply click on his icon to arrange an interview today.

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  • Tom Holt
    Tom Holt Professor of Criminal Justice

    Thomas J. Holt is an expert in Cybercrime, Cyberterror, and Information Warfare Researcher

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