The origins of Coronavirus in China and how far it may reach. Let our expert help explain what’s next for Covid-19?

Mar 3, 2020

2 min

What started in China with the world watching, now has the globe’s full attention as some countries are locking down borders and advising residents to prepare for the worst. In America, leaders are urging caution and hoping to ease anxiety among the population.

The number of coronavirus cases across the nation surged to more than 100 on Tuesday with six deaths blamed on the outbreak.

That doesn't mean it's time to panic, said Surgeon General Jerome Adams.

“Caution, preparedness, but not panic,” he said.

That message was echoed at the White House, where Vice President Mike Pence confirmed "four additional fatalities" in Washington state Monday but stressed again that the risk "remains low" according to experts who are working with the Trump administration's newly formed coronavirus task force.

There are more than 40 "domestic cases," mostly in California and Washington state, Pence said, and even more cases of people who came from other countries. 

However, as Covid-19 creeps closer to pandemic levels, there’s a lot of information out there, and not all of it is accurate. So, if you’re a journalist covering the progressing story – let Manhattanville College help ensure you get the right information and facts for your stories.

Manhattanville College Professor Anna Yeung-Cheung is a biologist, virologist and infectious disease expert and has a lot of insight and experience with infectious diseases and Covid-19.

When asked recently by how Coronavirus can kill a young doctor if the risks are primarily to older people and small children, Professor Yeung Cheung said it was due to the repeated exposure because of his profession.

“It’s a dosage thing,” explained Anna Yeung-Cheung to “Health care workers are exposed to far more people, often pretty sick people, than the average person, and therefore stand to come in contact with higher levels of the virus. A lot of virus can still overwhelm a healthy immune system.”

Originally from Hong Kong, Professor Anna Yeung-Cheung received her B.S. from National Taiwan University and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Georgia.

Dr. Yeung-Cheung is available to comment on global pandemics and where we are now with Covid-19. Simply click on her icon to arrange an interview today.

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Myth-breaking and COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Manhattanville Expert Answers Your Questions

Information, news stories, articles and advice are coming at Americans from all sides these days when it comes to COVID-19, its spread, prevention, those vulnerable, and whether America should continue to shut down or carry on carefully. There’s a lot to know and it is vitally important that accurate, credible and reliable information is what’s being shared.  That’s where the experts from Manhattanville College can help.    Orhan Hakli, RN, MS-FNP-C, is an administrator in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Manhattanville College. He is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner in private practice who has worked in various areas of health care including medical-surgical nursing, cardiology, geriatrics, wound care, hyperbaric medicine, and primary care. Here are a few of the questions he has been facing in recent days from patients.  Below, he breaks down some of the myths that are surfacing with facts. I heard drinking alcohol- especially Vodka- decreases my risk of getting COVID-19. MYTH- There is no credible evidence to support that alcohol consumption decreases the risk of COVID-19. Using hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol to clean your hands can be helpful. So, using hand sanitizers with 60% alcohol yes, drinking to prevent COVID-19 is a hard no.   I heard coronavirus comes from animals. I have a dog at home. Should I get rid of him/her? MYTH- It is true that Coronavirus is common in animals but not in household pets, so cuddle away but wash your hands afterwards for personal hygiene purposes.    If I go out, I will get sick MYTH- We recommend social distance, not social isolation. As long as you keep 6 feet from people, do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes and wash your hands frequently, you should be fine.    If I was in contact with someone who had the coronavirus, I should start taking antibiotics immediately. MYTH- This is a viral disease; antibiotics have no effects on viral diseases. They are effective only on bacterial infections.   Getting products in the mail from China will make people sick. MYTH- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tells us that Coronavirus, like many other viruses, do not stay alive for very long especially on the product surfaces that are in transit for days. There are two major ways that the virus can spread. Either people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes (which is the main way) or touching a surface or object that is contaminated with the virus then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. The second way is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. Coronavirus can live up to two days on surfaces but loses its effect as time passes. Takeaway point - keep your 6-foot distance from people and do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after touching objects.   I heard African-American people cannot get coronavirus. MYTH- The CDC clearly indicates that this is a virus that affects the respiratory system regardless of race. Everyone is at equal risk of getting COVID-19.   If I have Coronavirus I will likely end up in the ICU and die. MYTH- The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that most people- in fact up to 80%- will recover on their own having mild to no symptoms at all. How the disease will affect you depends on age and other comorbidities you may have.   Orhan Hakli is available to speak with media about the virus as a contagious disease, prevention, myths, strains on the health care system and public health measures. He has recently been advising the food service industry on measures they can take to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. To book an interview – simply click on his icon to arrange a time.

2 min

National Day of Unplugging – Manhattanville College expert offers insights on impacts and solutions for students in the digital age.

March 6 is the National Day of Unplugging. Communications Professor Joni Siani at Manhattanville College is spearheading a unique project, the “No App For Life” challenge, to address the unintended consequences affecting the first digitally socialized generation. The challenge encourages a week of refraining from social media apps and reminds students that they are human and have all the apps they need to feel connected. “Our college students are considered the first digitally socialized generation,” said Siani. “We've seen the decline in soft skills along with a rise in anxiety, affecting their success in college and both their professional and personal lives. We're dedicated to giving students the skills they need.” Siani has dedicated her research to creating effective solutions to reverse the effects of growing up online. Beginning with the award-winning documentary “Celling Your Soul,” the No App For Life challenge evolved over a ten-year period into a comprehensive project, meeting students where they are with a deep level of compassion that focuses on empowerment. This portion of the curriculum from her classes was so well received, students encouraged Siani to expand it campus-wide.  Siani discovered the benefits of the project were not about "going without, but, going within." This is "not anti-technology, but pro-human." Many educators encourage some type of digital abstinence, but Siani created a more comprehensive curriculum that works in a positive approach. The No App For Life challenge provides a writing activity and observational tasks that teach specific skills to practice and hone. Students report these strategies as "life changing" and incorporate the new behaviors into their daily lives with a positive effect on their relationships and mental health.   As Siani explains, "Nobody wants to hear that the thing they love isn't good for them. The No App For Life challenge provides students with the skills they need to navigate their world using their ‘human apps.’ Going without their digital default methods, they build self-esteem and confidence while their phones are on the back burner. When students learn how to communicate to have their needs met and address anxiety and stress, they actually are excited to test out their new skills. They want to learn about themselves. This is a personal motivation strategy."  If you are a journalist covering the National Day of Unplugging or looking to know more about how technology is impacting society, let the experts from Manhattanville College help with your stories.

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