1 min
With Russia’s War in Ukraine, Aeroflot Faces Unfriendly Skies
As Russia’s resurgent global influence grows—from social media influencing to anti-Western alliances—Steven E. Harris’s expertise in modern Russian and European history has become increasingly sought-after. Harris provides expert analysis on Russia’s political economy during its war of aggression against Ukraine and how the country seeks to reshape geopolitics and achieve expansionist goals. Focusing on Russian aviation, Harris explains how Putin’s regime has adapted to Western sanctions and how Russia’s airlines and aerospace industry are evolving in an era of global economic nationalism. Below are two important pieces authored by Harris that were posted by the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia at NYU. This blog post reflects on the historical significance of the sudden rupture in global aviation that took place after Russia invaded Ukraine, focusing on Russia and the US in particular.... Yesterday's post addressed the new cold war in the skies, which has divided the West from Russia as a consequence of Russia's aggression in Ukraine. Sanctions against Russia’s aviation sector... As the war between Russia and Ukraine stretches toward its third year - there are more and more angles and narratives to cover. And if you're a journalist looking to know more or have questions for a story - experts like Steven. E. Harris are here to help. He's available to speak with reporters - simply click on his icon now to arrange an interview today.