The Taliban returns - what's next for Afghanistan?

Aug 16, 2021

2 min

Robert Rabil, Ph.D.

As the era of occupation ends in Afghanistan, it was with record speed and precision that the once defeated Taliban have returned to cease near total control of Afghanistan.

The Taliban has begun the process of forming a government in Afghanistan, after taking control of the capital Kabul and declaring that the war is over as Afghan forces surrendered and President Ashraf Ghani fled the country.

Despite two decades of U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, and a war that cost more than $1 trillion, Taliban insurgents arrived at the gates of Kabul on Sunday and took the capital, including the presidential palace, with little resistance.

“Today is a great day for the Afghan people and the mujahideen [Taliban],” said Taliban spokesman Mohammad Naeem. “They have witnessed the fruits of their efforts and their sacrifices for 20 years. Thanks to God, the war is over in the country.” August 16 - The Guardian

For many, there is much speculation about what the country faces in its short and long term future.

  • Is it possible for a peaceful transition?
  • What will happen to all of the advances for women that occurred over the last two decades?
  • Will the punitive measures taken against those who worked for or assisted of coalition forces?
  • And how will these recent events alter how foreign policy and how America engages in the rebuilding of countries?

This is news and events that are unrolling in real time and if you are a journalist covering this topic - then let us help.

Robert Rabil, Ph.D., is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations. He is available to speak with media about the current situation in Afghanistan, simply click on his icon now to arrange an interview today.

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Robert Rabil, Ph.D.

Robert Rabil, Ph.D.


Robert Rabil is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations.

U.S. Foreign PolicyReform in the Arab worldU.S.-Arab RelationsTerrorismPolitical Islam

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