Reducing recidivism – Georgia Southern's expert discusses when a debt to society is paid, helps prisoners return to society

Reducing recidivism – Georgia Southern's expert discusses when a debt to society is paid, helps prisoners return to society

October 6, 20212 min read

It’s a topic that gets a lot of attention, people getting out of prison and returning to normal life.

It’s a hard story to tell as there are so many challenges, obstacles to overcome and stigmas to break as those who have served their time and are looking to fit back into the life they used to know.

Recently, Georgia Southern’s Maxine Bryant, Ph.D., was interviewed by the Savannah Morning News for "When is the debt paid? Formerly incarcerated individuals face challenges with re-entry." Here’s an excerpt:

According to Rehabilitation Enables Dreams, or RED, a nonprofit restorative justice program based in Atlanta, Georgiatwo out of three people released from prison in Georgia are rearrested within three years.

Landing employment is only one of the issues formerly incarcerated people face in efforts to reintegrate into society. Finding shelter and earning an education are, in many cases, equally difficult, said Maxine Bryant, Ph.D., assistant professor in Georgia Southern University's Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

“What I think is missing is addressing the trauma that many people find themselves behind bars have been subject to before going to prison,” Bryant said."  October 04 - Savannah Morning News

If you are a journalist and would like to learn more about this program or this topic – then let our experts help.

Maxine Bryant’s research interests focus on factors contributing to the successful community reintegration of released prisons. Specifically, she has written and presented on transitional jobs for newly released prisoners, the role of the Black church in successful offender reintegration, the impact of unaddressed childhood trauma and barriers to successful offender reintegration. She is available to speak with media any time – simply click on her icon to arrange an interview today.

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  • Maxine Bryant
    Maxine Bryant Interim Associate Provost, Office of Faculty Development and Diversity

    Dr. Maxine Bryant holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Human Services Degree from Walden University.

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