The Rise of "Don't Weigh Me" Cards

Jan 31, 2022

3 min

Rebecca Shenkman

Stepping on the scale is an inherent part of the American healthcare experience. But does it have to be? Healthcare professionals and patients say not necessarily.

For patients struggling with mental health, eating disorders, or other body-related concerns, being forced to step on the scale may cause significant distress. Because of this, the "don't weigh me" card has become increasingly popular.

Born from the desire to make a trip to the doctor a more inclusive, less stressful experience, the cards sit in waiting rooms across the country and allow patients to discreetly make a choice: Would I like to be weighed today? Similar in size and shape to a business card, patients may grab a card and hand it to the provider before the start of the appointment, indicating the patient should not be weighed and that any discussion around weight should only occur if permission is given.

According to Rebecca Shenkman, MPH, RDN, LDN, director of the MacDonald Center for Obesity Prevention and Education at Villanova University, "to be effective and emphatic providers, it is important to ensure a safe and comfortable environment and for the patient to feel seen and heard—and one such way is asking permission to be weighed (if the medical situation does not require a weight)."

"This shows patients that their provider respects their voice and choice” Shenkman says. "'Don't weigh me" cards are a tool that providers should recognize as a good 'pause button' that allows them to re-center patient care on the individual and not have a conversation guided by a scale number or attribute certain symptoms or conditions to weight."

Healthcare providers may express weight biases that prevent patients from receiving effective care. The provider may correctly or incorrectly attribute a patient's health concerns to weight and overlook additional factors not correlated with obesity. And while obesity is certainly a chronic and progressive medical disease that should not be ignored, there is more to a patient than a number on a scale.

"A barrier to effective healthcare utilization is the prevalence of weight bias towards individuals with obesity. A first step to reducing bias is to acknowledge the issue exists and to recognize one's own biases, which may intentionally or unintentionally result in unfavorable behaviors and attitudes towards individuals with obesity," says Shenkman. While communication about weight-related health is important and many times necessary, to center the dialogue on weight alone means missing out on other potential issues.

"By letting patients lead the conversation, having an open dialogue and practicing shared decision-making, and approaching the discussion around eating habits and weight-related behaviors within the broader context of health, patients are likely to be more receptive to medical advice given and seek future care."

When patients are allowed to choose to be weighed, they are empowered to make their own decisions surrounding their care. "Don't weigh me" cards help provide peace of mind and a comfortable environment for all people, allowing providers to act more effectively and patients to seek out effective care more often.

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Rebecca Shenkman

Rebecca Shenkman

Director of the MacDonald Center for Nutrition Education and Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing

Rebecca Shenkman, MPH, RD, LDN, is an expert in nutrition, weight management, and using food to help prevent and control disease

Childhood ObesityDiet and BehaviorsNutritionNutrition & Disease PreventionNutrition & Lifestyle Changes

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Villanova Nursing Professor Addresses Overlooked Roles in Mental Health Care

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If we're then requiring parents to act as case managers and healthcare providers for their children, how can we best equip them to fill those roles? Q: How does a parent’s role in managing a child’s mental health crisis differ from the roles of a physician or therapist? Dr. Weissinger: I studied family intervention science, which looks at both the individual and family processes that may be related to adolescent suicide risk or any other mental health concern, so I like to ask the question: what is this person's role in their family system? Parents oftentimes have a particular role in the family system, and when there's any kind of mental health crisis, that role may have to change: how they act, what tasks they perform, etc. I’m studying the role transition of a parent during a suicide crisis—what are their struggles and what are parents identifying as their big needs? I’m finding that a lot of parents are feeling really alone or shameful in some way, and then they’re using their own money, time or social resources to try to provide care for their child. This often happens because they feel like the mental health system is not providing the support they need to take on that role, so they’re trying to figure out what to do on their own. Q: An additional part of your research surrounds the role of a nurse practitioner in suicide crises. What are some of the findings from your recent research with nurse practitioners (NPs) about their suicide prevention education? Dr. Weissinger: The findings, which will soon be published, are really interesting because they’re very mixed. I went out and asked NPs what they were taught about suicide prevention and when they were taught it as part of their education and training. Some said that their primary care education integrated suicide prevention as a focus of the curriculum. Others mentioned that they didn’t learn about it in their undergraduate or master’s programs, but they’re still expected to know about suicide prevention as part of their job responsibilities. It’s important to highlight these discrepancies and how we need to think about adapting nursing education to include these important topics. Q: What are some of the overlooked responsibilities and challenges of nurses in managing adolescent mental health? Dr. Weissinger: A large percentage of primary care visits are currently conducted by nurse practitioners, and now suicide screenings are expected to be a standard of practice in primary care visits, even though some NPs don't have that specific training. NPs are often left out of consideration and conversation around best practices related to suicide prevention, so we need to make sure that anyone who's conducting these screenings surrounding suicide has the training and the preparation to do so. It's a difficult conversation for NPs to have, especially when they’re working with kids and families. Q: Why is suicide prevention important to study from a nursing lens? Dr. Weissinger: So much mental health research lumps together groups or only studies psychologists and physicians, so a lot of people who provide mental health services or do suicide prevention screenings are left out of these studies. For example, nurses provide a majority of the discharge education on what parents are expected to do at home when a child leaves the hospital—whether that’s administering injections for a child with diabetes or making a house safer for preventing self-harm. Most of the time, a nurse is walking parents through next steps, answering questions and checking in on patient progress. It’s not the psychologists who evaluated the child, or the physicians who decided that the individual needed to be inpatient, it’s the nurses who are providing those points of contact. Q: What do you hope is the main takeaway from your work surrounding mental health and suicide crises? Dr. Weissinger: Suicide is a really complex thing to address, and it needs to be a conversation that isn’t looking for a silver bullet. It’s a conversation that asks the questions: how do we improve the mental health care system? How do we get primary care providers trained and involved in these discussions? How do we best prepare family members to support individuals who are struggling? Not all researchers need to work on every part of this, but it needs to be a total, all-encompassing effort.

3 min

Biden’s Acts of Clemency Raise Awareness of the Power and Embolden Those Seeking a Second Chance, Villanova Law Professor Says

Just before the holiday season, as he entered his final month as President of the United States, Joe Biden announced that he would be granting clemency to roughly 1,500 American citizens. The clemency acts, which included sentence commutations for individuals placed on home confinement during the pandemic and pardons for 39 individuals with non-violent offenses, were touted by the administration as the most ever in a single day in modern history. A month later, on January 17, he commuted the sentences of roughly 2,500 individuals convicted of non-violent drug offenses, shattering December's mark and giving him the most pardons and commutations of any president in United States history. The unprecedented size of the actions has been underscored throughout The White House’s press materials and has headlined most subsequent news coverage. But for Anton Robinson, JD, associate professor of law and director of Villanova’s Caritas Clemency Clinic in the Charles Widger School of Law, the importance of the clemency went far beyond the impressive scale. “Acts like these bring much needed awareness to the clemency process, and to the epidemic of excessive sentencing in United States courtrooms,” Professor Robinson said. “At our clinic, we are already having people call to ask about opportunities for pardons and additional support for their cases.” Public perception of presidential acts of clemency can, at times, be marred by partisan divisiveness. To some, these latest acts were overshadowed by President Biden’s earlier pardon of his son, Hunter, and eyes are already on incoming President Trump regarding how he might handle those charged in relation to the January 6 insurrection. Professor Robinson acknowledges that acts like these can cause people to “rightfully question the power that is being used,” but those are the outliers, not the norms, and steer the conversation away from the root purpose of clemency. “People deserve a second chance,” Professor Robinson said. “There’s a tendency for system actors to focus primarily on the crime committed when considering whether a person’s sentence should be cut short. But many are different people today—sometimes decades later—than they were at the time of the crime’s commission. “There is also no shortage of individuals in prison for whom a charge doesn’t tell the whole story. For example, a young person’s involvement in a crime, while sufficient for a legal conviction, might be weighed differently today, given increasing acceptance of scientific research on the portion of the human brain which controls decision-making, impulse control and executive function. Research shows all of that continues to develop well into adulthood.” Determining who fits the criteria for clemency, Professor Robinson says, is not always easy to do. Collecting records of good behavior that illustrate change while in a carceral setting is much more difficult than collecting records of bad behavior. That’s why entities like the Caritas Clemency Clinic, in which Villanova Law students work directly on behalf of such clients under Professor Robinson’s guidance, spend so much time talking to anyone who has had a relationship with the incarcerated person. “What we often find is that despite being incarcerated and having very little given opportunity, these individuals make their own opportunities to build community and rich relationships and try their best to contribute to society in a positive way,” Professor Robinson said. A military veteran who helped church members in poor health perform tasks. A nurse who spearheaded COVID vaccination efforts and natural disaster response. A counselor who helps guide youth away from destructive behavior and involvement with gangs. Those are the types of actions Professor Robinson references, all of which were highlighted specifically in the White House’s fact sheet for President Biden's December acts, just before the words “The United States is a nation of second chances.” “I'm hoping that these large acts of clemency encourage folks to think, ‘Hey, what about my loved one? What about me? I am a completely different person than I was 20 years ago, what can I do to try to secure my freedom and my ability to live the life that I've missed out on?’” Professor Robinson said. “It really is a great opportunity to remind ourselves that people are far better than the worst things that they've ever done, and that we have an opportunity to acknowledge that as a society and to encourage more of this action, both on a federal and state level.”

3 min

Villanova Professor Investigates Impacts of Hurricanes on Florida Coast

In October 2024, during the height of hurricane season, Hurricanes Milton and Helene swept across the southeastern United States. Their impact on Florida was severe, with damages totaling tens of billions of dollars. While communities in affected states continue to rebuild, a team of researchers mobilized to assess the damage caused in the hopes of better understanding the impacts of hurricane activity in the future. Jonathan Hubler, PhD, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Villanova University, along with Villanova civil engineering graduate student Sarah Burghardt, traveled to Florida with a joint team from the Nearshore Extreme Events Reconnaissance (NEER) Association and the Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association to investigate the immediate aftereffects of Hurricanes Milton and Helene. The National Science Foundation-sponsored trip gathered natural hazards research experts and practitioners from across the country, who quickly jumped at the opportunity to examine the impacts of two tropical storms that occurred in quick succession of each other. A few main areas of study were identified by the team so they could hit the ground running once they touched down in Florida. The researchers wanted to focus primarily on the effects of storm surge, waves, sediment erosion and deposition, and debris transport and accumulation from both hurricanes through pre-storm, during-storm, and post-storm data collection. Over 750 miles were covered across just a few days as data was surveyed and collected from Cedar Key, Horseshoe Beach, Venice, Port Charlotte, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach and other coastal towns. “This was a unique opportunity for our team of scientists because our team collected data before the storms so we will be able to analyze the direct impacts of the storms utilizing the post-storm data that we collected,” said Dr. Hubler. “Although the destruction was difficult to witness firsthand, we are hopeful that our findings will help to mitigate the impact of these major storms in the future.” The data set collected from these storm sites is expected to improve the understanding, prediction, and mitigation of erosion as well as assess the performance of different shoreline protection systems during severe tropical storm events. Findings from the trip will be shared publicly through the NSF’s Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) DesignSafe-CI, a nationwide network tailored for data sharing among the natural hazards engineering research community. Local Florida communities will also be notified of relevant findings to increase awareness and understanding of risk assessments when preparing for tropical storm events. “It was a productive few days spent in Florida as we collected a significant amount of data and covered a lot of ground in a short span of time. I’m grateful to have been included on this research team and that I had the chance to bring one of my students along. This real-world experience in the field will help further her learning as she completes her studies,” said Dr. Hubler. Dr. Hubler traveled with the NEER and GEER team again in November for another data collection effort. Although the 2024 hurricane season has come to a close, researchers like Dr. Hubler continue to study their impact year-round to discover new mitigation strategies for next year’s season.

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