#Expert Insight: Let’s Talk About Maternal and Postpartum Health

#Expert Insight: Let’s Talk About Maternal and Postpartum Health

September 19, 20231 min read

With increased maternal mortality rates in the news, and births involving inductions and c- sections on the rise despite their risks, Elizabeth Johnson-Young asks: 'What communication choices and strategies do women use after a negative birth experience?'

Many women define certain aspects of childbirth as traumatic – from a mother or child’s life being put at risk to a host of less serious circumstances that can cause an unfavorable natal experience – and that can pose a threat to mental health. Who will they trust next when it comes to their maternal healthcare and their future decisions regarding birth?

Johnson-Young’s project, “Birth, Trauma, and Communicating Maternal Health,” uses in-depth interviews of women who define their birth experience as difficult or traumatic. It focuses on choices and perceptions, and discusses the potential outcomes of listening, language and support.

This is an important topic for health care providers, families and mothers and if you are looking to know more - then let us help.

Dr. Elizabeth Johnson-Young is a published expert on health communication, especially maternal and family health. She is ready to help if you are looking to cover this topic - simply click on her icon now to arrange an interview today.

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  • Elizabeth Johnson-Young
    Elizabeth Johnson-Young Assistant Professor of Communication

    Elizabeth Johnson-Young is an expert on health communication, especially maternal and family health, and media.

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