Jacqueline Ortiz Honored for Increasing Patient Access to Interpreter Services

Oct 10, 2023

4 min

Jacqueline Ortiz, M.Phil

Fifty-eight years ago, a young man from Argentina wound up in surgery at a California hospital after stomach pains turned out to be peritonitis, a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal wall. He was discharged to his wife’s care, with one problem — neither the man nor his wife had any idea how to care for the open wound in his abdomen.

                                                     Jacqueline Ortiz 

The couple did not understand the lengthy instructions delivered in English, and there was no interpreter to explain to them in their native Spanish what to expect.

So, when the man tried to take a bath and discovered the gauze was stuck to his wound, he didn’t know what to do. Fear and uncertainty compounded an already stressful time.

Jacqueline Ortiz wasn’t yet born when her father’s health care emergency took place, but growing up she heard the story over and over.

It was more than family lore for Ortiz — it was a lesson.

Ortiz said she wanted her mother, pictured with her at the DVTA event, to see the growing number of people working as interpreters to ensure people get the information they need in the language they understand.

Ortiz, now the vice president for Health Equity and Cultural Competence at ChristianaCare, saw firsthand how the experience left her parents terrified of the medical environment.

Removing barriers to good health

Years later, Ortiz is a leader in advocating for patients to have access to qualified, culturally responsive medical interpreting services to remove communication barriers with providers and ensure the best possible care and outcomes.

“Language access is what fills my heart and soul,” Ortiz said.

Her pioneering efforts and enthusiasm for promoting the use of trained interpreters in health care earned Ortiz the inaugural Making an Impact Award from the Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA) during an event Sept. 9 at Widener University.

In her role at ChristianaCare, she builds the organization’s capacity to reduce the incidence of disease and improve health outcomes, advance equitable health care services, and reduce health disparities for identified conditions and target populations through culturally competent care, including providing health care in patients’ native languages.

She has over 20 years of experience researching, teaching and working in cultural competence and health equity, social networks, and economic sociology.

“Language access is what fills my heart and soul,” Ortiz said.

A vision for serving everyone

Eliane Sfeir-Markus, CHI, president of the DVTA, said the award recognizes the efforts of those working to make interpreting and translation more available to people with limited English proficiency, and those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Ortiz’s pioneering work to expand language services for patients and implement comprehensive cultural competence training at ChristianaCare have set a standard for caring for patients in their native languages.

“Jaki’s vision for a health care system that truly serves everyone, regardless of their cultural or linguistic background, is inspiring,” Sfeir-Markus said. “We as patients deserve someone who knows our culture to take care of us.”

ChristianaCare has more than 20 health care interpreters and over 100 caregivers who have undergone additional training to provide interpreting services when needed.

ChristianaCare has more than 20 health care interpreters — who wear eggplant-colored uniforms — and over 100 bilingual caregivers who have undergone special training to serve as interpreters in some settings.

“Jaki is a well-known name in the field of interpreting and translation because she has advocated for education and professionalization of interpreters in health care,” said Claudia Reyes-Hull, MArch, CMI, CHI, manager of Cultural and Linguistic Programs at ChristianaCare.

“Thanks to her advocacy, more health care systems are recognizing the need to have trained interpreters for their patients.”

In accepting the award, Ortiz said interpreters play a critical role in health care by making it possible for patients — and their families — to take an active role in their own care and decrease the anxiety over visiting a health care provider.

She credited the success of ChristianaCare’s interpreting and translations services and its continued growth to the collaborative spirit and camaraderie among its team of caregivers, particularly Reyes-Hull.

Ortiz said her family’s personal experience with a lack of interpreting services during a hospital stay made them anxious about health care for years.

“Probably all of us in this room have walked into a courtroom or a lawyer’s office or a hospital room or a clinic and introduced ourselves and seen that immediate response and relaxation in the person we were speaking with,” Ortiz said to the translators at the DVTA event.

“You make those interactions within our legal, educational and health care systems so much better.”

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Jacqueline Ortiz, M.Phil

Jacqueline Ortiz, M.Phil

Vice President of Health Equity and Cultural Competence

Jacqueline Ortiz, M. Phil. is the vice president for Health Equity and Cultural Competence at ChristianaCare.

Health EquityCultural CompetenceLanguage Services

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First in Delaware to Offer MR-Guided Ultrasound for Treatment of Essential and Parkinson’s Tremor

Revolutionary technology gives patients immediate relief from debilitating tremors without the need for invasive surgery. ChristianaCare is the first health care provider in Delaware to offer FDA-approved focused ultrasound treatment for people suffering from essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease. The new option – called MR-guided focused ultrasound – uses sound wave energy to destroy precise areas of brain tissue that is the source of the tremor. No surgical incision or anesthesia is necessary, and many patients experience immediate and significant reduction in tremors, which can make daily activities challenging. Dr. Martello explains that the procedure involves the use of high-frequency sound waves directed with pinpoint precision by magnetic resonance imaging to ablate, or burn, the focal point deep within the brain that is causing tremors. “This minimally invasive technology dramatically improves the lives of patients with essential tremor and tremor-dominant Parkinson’s who haven’t fully responded to traditional treatments,’’ said Justin Martello, M.D., director of the Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Programs, and Focused Ultrasound Program at ChristianaCare. What is tremor? Tremor is a neurological condition that includes involuntary shaking or trembling movements in one or more parts of the body. It most commonly affects the hands and can make daily tasks such as writing, eating and using a computer or phone extremely difficult. Tremor affects approximately 1% of the population overall and 5% of adults age 60+. It is expected to increasingly impact Delawareans as the state’s population ages. Essential tremor is the most common type of tremor. It can occur at any age but is most common in older adults. Tremor is also the most well-known symptom of Parkinson’s disease. An estimated 1.5 million Americans suffer from Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects movement and can also affect speech, balance and cognitive function. A newer, better option for patients who don’t respond to medications The procedure of MR-guided focused ultrasound involves the use of high-frequency sound waves directed with pinpoint precision by magnetic resonance imaging to ablate, or burn, the focal point deep within the brain that is causing tremors. Patients are fitted with a frame affixed to a specialized helmet that combines the focused energy of more than 1,000 high-frequency sonic beams directed through the skull. The treatment does not require cutting through the skull, or radiation, as in gamma knife technology. “Today, there are basically three options for managing tremor,” said Pulak Ray, M.D., of Delaware Neurosurgical Group and associate director of the Focused Ultrasound program. “The first is medication, which is effective and affordable for many patients, but its effectiveness tends to diminish over time. The second is deep-brain stimulation, which is the most invasive and costly treatment option. The newest is MR-guided ultrasound, which tends to be the preferable option for most patients who do not respond well to medication, because it is a simple, non-invasive outpatient procedure that is highly effective, safe and produces instant results.” Benefits of MR-guided Focused Ultrasound MR-guided focused ultrasound reduces tremor immediately, with shorter recovery time, lower risk of side effects and lower associated health care expenses compared to surgical alternatives. This treatment dramatically improves patient experience and quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor. For many patients, MR-guided ultrasound reduces their dependence on caregivers to assist with activities of daily living. Candidates must first undergo a CT scan to ensure a skull density sufficiently thick to accommodate the procedure. The patient is awake during the procedure and situated within an MRI machine for real-time imaging of the brain. The physician tests the precise location by heating the area, then ensuring the patient is able to control tremors by tracing lines on a spirograph. At that point, the physician then permanently ablates the focal point, usually a sphere a few millimeters in length. “Our team is very excited to bring this technology to Delaware and to open up access to potentially life-changing treatment that until now has required long wait times and significant travel for patients,” said Kim Gannon, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of the comprehensive stroke program and physician executive of Neuroscience Service Line at ChristianaCare. “Many tremor patients have suffered for years or even decades with this debilitating and progressive condition and helping them live a more active and independent lifestyle is extremely rewarding.” MR-guided focused ultrasound is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

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Wilmington Campus Receives $1 Million Donation From the Rocco A. and Mary Abessinio Foundation

ChristianaCare has received a $1 million gift from The Rocco A. and Mary Abessinio Foundation Inc. in support of ChristianaCare’s Wilmington Campus. “All families and communities deserve the excellent care that Wilmington Hospital and ChristianaCare provide,” said Rocco and Mary Abessinio. “It is an honor for our family to support the health and wellbeing of the Wilmington community.” The funds will support areas of greatest need, including the expansion of patient care initiatives aimed at reducing disparities in screening and treatment for cancer and cardiovascular disease in the city of Wilmington. “We are tremendously grateful to the Rocco A. and Mary Abessinio Foundation for their continued, generous support of the Wilmington Campus – a vital resource serving the greater Wilmington community,” said Janice Nevin, M.D., MPH, ChristianaCare president and CEO. “With their help, we are closing gaps in health disparities and improving health for everyone, including some of Delaware’s most vulnerable populations.” The Rocco A. and Mary Abessinio Foundation provided a $1 million gift in 2014 for the redesign and renovation of the health center, which was then named the Rocco A. Abessinio Family Health Center at Wilmington Hospital. The health center is home to three primary care practices and other programs and services that offer high-quality health care, wellness and preventive health visits for people of all ages, regardless of their income or ability to pay. “As a result of the Abessinio family’s longstanding partnership and investment in our mission of service, we are making significant progress in addressing disparities and building strong and healthy communities,” said LeRoi S. Hicks, M.D., MPH, FACP, campus executive director of ChristianaCare’s Wilmington Hospital. A Wilmington landmark in the heart of the city, the ChristianaCare Wilmington Hospital has been serving the diverse medical needs of the city and surrounding region for over 125 years. “Philanthropy is essential to ChristianaCare’s mission of service to our community, and we extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Rocco and Mary Abessinio for their inspiring and visionary philanthropic leadership in support of the Wilmington Campus,” said Dia Williams Adams, MPA, vice president of philanthropy at ChristianaCare. “Their gift is a legacy that not only allows us to increase our ability to make a positive impact on patients and community, but honors the incredible work that our caregivers do every day.” For more information about ways to support ChristianaCare’s mission of service to the community, visit: https://christianacare.org/us/en/make-a-gift.

5 min

This Is a Critical Moment: Delaware Must Not Go Backward in Health Equity

The proposed Delaware House Bill 350 is well-intended but would have terrible consequences for Delaware’s most vulnerable populations. There is a better way. By LeRoi S. Hicks, M.D., MPH, FACP As a Black physician who has dedicated his 25-year career to understanding and addressing health equity, I am deeply concerned about Delaware’s proposed House Bill 350, which aims to address rising health care costs by establishing a body of political appointees that would oversee the budgets of Delaware’s nonprofit hospitals. While the goal of bending the cost curve in health care may be well-intentioned, this bill will have horrific consequences for Delaware’s most vulnerable populations, including Black people, Hispanic people and other groups that have been traditionally underserved in health care. We can and must work together to solve this problem and provide the right care, in the right place, at the right time. A tale of two cities To borrow a phrase from Charles Dickens, Delaware, like much of America, is a tale of two cities. The experience of life—including a healthy, safe environment and access to good-quality health care—is vastly different depending on where you live and your demographic background. In the city of Wilmington, for example, ZIP codes that are just a few miles apart represent more than 20 years difference in life expectancy. This is not OK—it’s a sign that we have serious structural problems in our communities that are causing harm to people and making their lives shorter. Importantly, chopping $360 million out of Delaware’s hospital budgets, as House Bill 350 would do in year one, is not going to help this problem—it’s going to make it worse. And in doing so, it would ultimately make health care in Delaware more expensive—not less expensive. The key to lowering health care costs is to improve quality, access and equity Data show that about 5% of patients in the United States account for more than 50% of all health care costs. These are primarily patients who have complex and poorly managed chronic conditions that cause them to end up in the most expensive care settings—hospitals, operating rooms, emergency departments. The key to driving down health care costs is to improve quality and equity so that everyone is supported in achieving their best health, and these high users of the most expensive kinds of care are better supported in managing their health conditions such as diabetes or heart failure in the appropriate way. In doing so, they prevent the need for costly emergency or “rescue” care. Let’s do more—not less—of what we already know works Health care is not a one-size-fits-all industry. The delivery of care for patients across a diverse population requires multiple interventions at the same time. These interventions are designed not only to improve the quality of care but also to close the gap in terms of health care disparities. That’s important, because when we improve care and outcomes for the most vulnerable populations, we tend to get things right for everyone. One type of intervention is about doing exactly the right things for a patient based on the evidence of what will help—and doing nothing extra that will cause harm or generate additional costs without providing additional benefit. An example of this might be ensuring that every patient who has a heart attack gets a certain drug called a beta blocker right after their heart attack, and they receive clear guidance and support on the actions they must take to reduce their risk of a second heart attack, such as regular exercise and good nutrition. The second type of intervention is for the highest-risk populations. These are patients who live in poor communities where there are no gyms and no grocery stores, and people commonly have challenges with transportation and lack of access to resources that makes it difficult—sometimes impossible—to follow their plan for follow-up care. They lack access to high-nutrient food that reduces their risk of a second heart attack. They also live in areas where there are fewer health care providers compared to more affluent areas. These interventions tend to be very intensive and do not generate income for health systems; in fact, they require significant non-reimbursed investment, but they are necessary to keep our most vulnerable patients healthy. The medical community has developed interventions for these populations that are proven to work. A local example is the Delaware Food Pharmacy program, which connects at-risk patients with healthy food and supports their ability to prepare it. The program helps patients improve their overall health and effectively manage their chronic conditions so they can prevent an adverse event that would put them back in the hospital or emergency department. When we work together, we succeed We’ve seen incredible examples of how this work can be successful right here in Delaware. Delaware was the first state in the country to eliminate a racial disparity in colorectal cancer, and we did this by expanding cancer services, including making it easy for vulnerable people to get preventive cancer care and screenings. This is an incredible success story that continues to this day, and it was the result of thoughtful, detail-oriented partnerships among the state and the health care community. The work continues as we collaborate to reduce the impact and mortality of breast cancer in our state. Unfortunately, these kinds of interventions are the first thing to go when health care budgets get slashed, because they don’t generate revenue and are not self-sustaining. These kinds of activities need to be funded—either through grants or an external funder, or by the hospitals and health care systems. By narrowly focusing on cost, we risk losing the progress we have made Delaware House Bill 350, as it’s proposed, would cause harm in two ways: First, it would compromise our ability to invest in these kinds of interventions that work. Second, it increases the risk that higher-cost health services and programs that are disproportionately needed by people in vulnerable communities could become no longer available in Delaware. In states where the government has intervened in the name of cutting costs, like Vermont and Massachusetts, we see the consequences–less quality and reduced equitable access to much-needed services. House Bill 350 will widen the gap between those who have means and those who are more vulnerable. These changes will lead to increased disease burden on these populations. They will end up in the emergency room more and hospitalized more, which is by far the most expensive kind of care. That’s not what anyone wants—and it’s the opposite of what this bill was intended to accomplish. At this moment, in Delaware, we have an opportunity to put our state on a sustainable path to better health for all Delawareans. House Bill 350 is not that path. However, the discussion that House Bill 350 has started is something that we can build on by bringing together the stakeholders we need to collaborate with to solve these complicated problems. That includes Delaware’s government and legislators, the hospitals and health centers, the insurance, pharmacy and medical device industries, and most importantly, patients and the doctors who care for them. LeRoi Hicks, M.D., is the campus executive director for ChristianaCare, Wilmington Campus.

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