How Diverse Crop Mixes Can Help Solve the Water Scarcity Crisis

How Diverse Crop Mixes Can Help Solve the Water Scarcity Crisis

November 9, 20231 min read

How exactly can alternative crop mixes come to our rescue in this water scarcity crisis? Different crops have different water needs in order to grow without stress. And it is often the case that the thirstiest crops are grown in places where little water is available. Shifting crop mixes to crops that require less water but still ensure farmer profits is a promising way to reduce the amount of water needed to irrigate crops and to avoid conditions of water scarcity.

Kyle Davis, assistant professor in Geography and Spatial Sciences at the University of Delaware, can offer commentary on this. He is an expert in food systems, sustainability, global environmental change and geospatial data science among other things.

Diverse crop mixes can save water, maintain economic output, and provide for the needs of aquatic ecosystems. Davis and others recently released a study that looks at issue. 

"These findings demonstrate strong opportunities for economic, food security and environmental co-benefits in irrigated agriculture and provide both hope and direction to regions struggling with water scarcity around the world," the study notes. 

Davis has been featured in publications such as and and was recently awarded an Early Career Award for pioneering global research in sustainable agricultural food systems. He can be contacted by clicking the "View Profile" button. 

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  • Kyle Davis
    Kyle Davis Assistant Professor, Geography and Spacial Sciences

    Prof. Davis' work focuses on food systems, water sustainability, and global environmental change.

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