The Life of Pi

Mar 13, 2024

5 min

The digits of pi are infinite. It’s an irrational number—one whose decimal never ends and never repeats. Over time, with brilliant minds and brilliant technology, humans have been able to calculate its digits further and further, now forming a 100-trillion decimal tail.

In many ways, the infinitely long decimal expansion of pi is a metaphor for its limitless applicable value. With new ways of thinking, measuring and computing, the significance of pi has permeated throughout the study and use of mathematics and countless other disciplines. Pi is a mathematical constant by definition and also because of its ubiquity.

“To offer an Augustinian-themed analogy, pi is to mathematics as Gregor Mendel’s peas are to biology,” said Katie Haymaker, PhD, associate professor of mathematics and statistics at Villanova University. “At first glance, Mendel’s experiments convey some basic understanding of the function of genetics. However, the way genes are expressed is incredibly complicated, and scientists continue to study genetics and gene therapies today. Similarly, mathematicians today study objects that are historically tied to the development of ideas inspired by explorations of pi. Pi is one gateway to a garden of mathematical possibilities.”

Dr. Haymaker currently teaches a course called “Mathematics for Human Flourishing,” inspired by the Francis Su book of the same title. Her class discusses math in everyday life and how engaging in mathematical exploration can develop virtues like studying ethics or other humanities can and also expand quality of life.

“I don’t have class this Pi Day, but usually I would share a little something about pi if I did,” she said.

So, what exactly is pi? The easy answer is that it’s the ratio of the circumference (the length all the way round) to the diameter (the length across) for any circle.

“If you measure across a circle with a piece of rope, how many pieces of the same rope would you need to measure around?” Dr. Haymaker explained.

The never-ending answer starts with 3.14, hence the common celebration of Pi Day on March 14.

This value has been studied for millennia: The ancient Egyptian Rhind Papyrus, dating to around 1650 BCE, offers a very close estimation for pi as 3.16049. Even the Bible, in 1 Kings 7:23, a circular vessel is described, and the ratio of circumference to diameter calculated to exactly three.

“There are interesting explorations by biblical scholars about why this number is not exactly the value that we now know as pi, including that the brim around the vessel accounts for the discrepancy,” Dr. Haymaker said.

Over time, novel methods for approximating pi were discovered, advancing humankind’s understanding of its value, and leading to various other paths of mathematical study. The famous Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, for instance, discovered a way to approximate pi’s value by use of a regular polygon (a closed geometric figure made of equal straight lines and angles).

In those times, measuring a circle was not well defined, according to Dr. Haymaker. By placing the regular polygon inside the circle, the straight lines can be measured, those straight lines can be split to form a regular polygon with more measurable sides, and so forth. The more sides, the closer the measurement is to the true circumference of the circle.

“That whole idea of approximating to the actual value is the main idea of calculus,” she said. “This notion by Archimedes predated that entire field.”

Later, formulas were developed that surpassed Archimedes’ technique. A better approximation of pi was discovered around the year 450 by Chinese mathematician Tsu Ch’ung-chih, arriving at the easy-to-remember fraction 355/113.

“This is one rational approximation to pi, and it’s also a fun Pi Day party trick because it’s the best approximation you can get with a fraction like this whose denominator is less than 10,000,” Dr. Haymaker said.

These are just two examples of the many contributions made to advance the understanding of pi. Even the use of the Greek symbol to describe the ratio, which was popularized by 18th-century mathematician Leonhard Euler, was instrumental. Prior to that, there had been no agreed-upon symbol and the concept was often described using only words.

In the thousands of years since the first recorded approximation of pi, the methods of its approximation—and pi itself—have been applied to multiple other fields of mathematical study such as trigonometry and calculus. For Dr. Haymaker, pi was important in the development of her own understanding of mathematics as well.

“I have learned to expect the unexpected when it comes to pi,” she said. “It shows up in all sorts of places and it inspires us to dig deeper into why.”

Today, pi can be calculated to 100-trillion decimal places (though only a dozen or so are needed for even the most accurate applications). On Pi Day 2023, 21-year-old Rajveer Meena memorized the first 70,000 digits, breaking a Guiness World Record in a mind-boggling 10-hour recitation.

“I think that pi is fascinating to people because its digits behave in a random way and they go on forever,” Dr. Haymaker said. “If there is a string of numbers that is special to you—take 1842 for example—it exists somewhere in the digits of pi. In exploring pi, it feels like you are exploring the infinite, which naturally inspires mystical feelings about the number.”

By the way, the string of numbers 1842 (the year Villanova was founded) appears at position 1738 counting from the first number after the decimal, according to the Pi-Search Page.

So, whether it’s on March 14, July 22 (because the fraction 22/7 is a rational approximation of pi) or whenever you might celebrate, look down at that beautiful circular dessert you will cut into and think about “why pi(e)?”

“Some people may scoff at Pi Day as being separate from ‘real’ mathematics,” Dr. Haymaker said. “But there is a joyfulness in celebrating this day that represents a deep connection that people have to mathematical discovery. After all, a person wrote the Rhind Papyrus, and it is people who program the computers that searched for the 100 trillionth digit of pi. This quest to understand is a deeply human endeavor.

“To quote Francis Su, ‘the pursuit of math can, if grounded in human desires, build aspects of character and habits of mind that will allow you to live a more fully human life and experience the best of what life has to offer.’ So, if eating pie and other round foods on March 14 inspires someone to learn, ask questions, pursue answers and see themselves as an explorer of mathematics, then it is indeed a day to celebrate.”

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4 min

Digital Contracting is Broken. A Little “Friction” Could Go a Long Way in Fixing It

In mid-October, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a final “click-to-cancel” rule, which, after its provisions go into effect, will make it easier for consumers to cancel recurring memberships and subscriptions. The rule is an undoubtable victory for consumers who have run into roadblocks attempting to protect their wallets amid the flurry of oversubscription in today’s world, but it also begets an important question: Why is oversubscription occurring in the first place? “One important reason for that problem is that getting into contracts is frictionless, it’s too easy,” said Brett Frischmann, JD, the Charles Widger Endowed Professor in Law, Business and Economics in Villanova University’s Charles Widger School of Law. “The FTC is addressing a real concern in making it easier for people to exit agreements of this sort. But while making it as easy to unsubscribe as to subscribe sounds great – we all like even playing fields and symmetry – it might be better to also make subscribing a little more burdensome, so people understand what they are getting themselves into in the first place.” This idea is the focus of Frischmann’s recent paper, titled “Better Digital Contracts with Prosocial Friction-in-Design,” the publication of which coincides with public dissatisfaction over digital contracting processes. In August, Disney attempted to have a wrongful death lawsuit blocked, citing print in terms and conditions from a one-month Disney+ free trial the plaintiff signed up for in 2019. Since then, other companies have succeeded in recently blocking the commencement of similar lawsuits. In the research, Frischmann and his co-author, Rice University computer scientist Moshe Vardi, describe these contracts as “dehumanizing” and that they “undermine human autonomy and sociality, by design,” citing how they elicit behavior in a pre-determined manner (such as clicking on cue) and often include side agreements with other entities, unbeknownst to the users. “One-click” contracts rely on legal fictions, such as presuming that clicking an “I have read the terms and conditions” button actually means that they have. They are structured this way intentionally. “The idea behind digital contracting is ‘Let’s make the contract as quick as possible before people leave or change their mind,” Frischmann said. “They only want to do the minimum that the law requires, and all the law requires is notice of terms and action that says, ‘I agree.’” For these reasons, he argues, modern digital contracting contradicts the purpose of contract law in the first place; enabling people to reach genuine agreements and cooperate. “It’s antithetical to the underlying values of a contract,” Frischmann said. “Autonomy is undermined because people are not able to exercise autonomy in a meaningful way when they are not actually capable of deliberating about the terms to which they are agreeing. As for being cooperative, there is no relationship. Digital contracts are completely one-sided.” So what can be done to combat this? “Speedbumps,” Frischmann says, referring to measures that can cause friction in the contracting process to better protect the user. Physical road speedbumps represent a useful analogy, because while they make things slightly more inconvenient for the user, they are deployed strategically where other values are at stake, like the safety of children playing outside. “People tolerate speedbumps,” Frischmann says, “because they serve a social purpose. Friction in digital contracts is similar.” With respect to improving digital contracting, there are multiple measures that can be taken that inherently have such friction, but not all of them are always appropriate. Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHAs), for example, are a type of friction-in-design that serve a useful social purpose (security) and have become normalized and tolerated, but some CAPTCHAs are ableist and others may generate proprietary data. Where he sees the most beneficial friction existing is in comprehension, which in software form could be completing a task or passing a test to prove an individual understands the agreement. Comprehension is the basis for one of Frischmann’s proposed alterations to contract law. Currently, the oft-criticized concept of informed consent is utilized. He argues it should be replaced with demonstrably informed consent, in essence requiring entities to further show that people truly comprehend what they are agreeing to. “Right now, individuals assent to contracts, going along with terms someone else insisted upon,” he said. “But assenting to terms is very different than being informed and consenting. To demand demonstrably informed consent shifts the burden on the provider to generate evidence showing in fact a person understood and agreed.” In the recent Disney case, for example, demonstrably informed consent would have required not just clicking an agreement when signing up for Disney+, but that Disney somehow explained to an individual that if they sign up for a free trial, they cannot take the company to court, and further generating reliable evidence that the individual understood that. If that were the case, perhaps the individual would not have signed up. “Or, they may not have ever gone to the Disney park if they had [signed up],” Frischmann said. This proposed change in contract law, along with the various potential methods of engineered friction in digital contracts all circle back to the same goal: slowing down contracting where it affects people in ways they do not understand. “You can’t have digital contracting built like a highway, where it’s all as fast as possible all the time,” Frischmann said. “For our digitally networked environment, it needs to be built like a neighborhood.”

3 min

Villanova Professor Releases Study on Gender Dynamics in the Beer-Drinking Community

Earlier this month, thousands of revelers donned dirndls and lederhosen to mark Oktoberfest, the annual celebration of Bavarian fare, oompah music and, above all else, beer. The fall festival is just one of many occasions, including happy hours, brewery tours and sporting events, where Americans enjoy the beverage. In fact, based on a recent report by the Pew Research Center, the U.S. population consumes approximately 6.6 billion gallons of beer each year, which averages out to about 26.5 gallons per adult of legal drinking age. However, while ales, lagers and stouts remain popular choices that bring people together, not everyone feels equally included. A new study by Shelly Rathee, PhD, the Diana and James Yacobucci '73 Assistant Professor of Marketing and Business Law, highlights a gender-based divide within the beer-drinking community, with female consumers often feeling overlooked and left out. "Due to the structure of the beer industry and marketplace, there is reason to believe that firms overproduce products that appeal to male audiences and overly communicate masculine aspects of beer consumption," says Dr. Rathee. "As a result, female consumers are made to feel (and may continue to feel) excluded by beer culture, on average. From a business standpoint, the beer industry may be limiting its total market potential in the process." As Dr. Rathee explains, the beer industry and marketplace are predominately populated by men, and academic literature has long indicated that male dominance in a social or business setting can alter the behaviors of women in myriad ways. In her project, "The Female Consumer Response Implications of Male Dominance in a Product’s Online Community," the professor sought to understand how this trend might manifest itself in an internet forum for beer aficionados, hobbyists and critics. By examining customer review data from the online community BeerAdvocate and conducting tests aimed at assessing gender-based differences in contributions, Dr. Rathee found that female consumers are inclined to defer to the male majority in such settings. In general, women either refrain from sharing their perspectives on products or adopt language characterized by what are commonly referred to as "masculinity themes." "Masculinity and femininity themes were drawn from the text of the online reviews and were identified using dictionaries derived from previous research on these topics," shares Dr. Rathee. "For example, if the consumer liked the taste of the beer, a more feminine way of describing this might be 'pleasant,' while a more masculine way might be 'strong.'" In these terms, the difference in expression might seem subtle. However, as Dr. Rathee contends, the prevalence of tens of thousands of reviews that lean toward a more masculine tone, with few offering a counterbalance, can have noticeable effects. A quick look at the beer aisle in your local supermarket reveals its impact, with bottles and cans featuring images of axe-wielding warriors, dinosaurs and gargoyles. "We found in our research that male dominance in a marketplace leads to lower trial intentions [plans to try or buy something] and brand attitudes among women," elaborates Dr. Rathee. "Therefore, we can argue that companies are likely to produce products, and marketing appeals, that are more targeted at male audiences." Although men are currently more than twice as likely as women to name beer as their preferred alcoholic beverage, Dr. Rathee suggests that there is potential to create opportunities that encourage more female drinkers to engage with beer culture. By fostering environments where women can express their preferences and perspectives, she believes the beer industry can become more inclusive and representative, ultimately enriching the community as a whole. "When featuring reviews on websites, an effort to balance out the presentation of ideas from male and female voices could be helpful," Dr. Rathee says. "Special categories could also be created to drive interest based on demographic characteristics that may include gender, among other factors. A more extreme measure would be to simply avoid including gender as a reviewer characteristic that is publicly viewable." Much like opening tents beside a beer hall, these steps could provide the necessary space and conditions for a more open and robust discussion of products to take place—to the benefit of both consumers and the industry. In the event they're increasingly pursued, that's something to which we can all raise a toast.

5 min

Villanova Professor at the Forefront of Work to Tackle Quantum Threats

Securing Our Future Against Quantum Threats Security and privacy are values that everyone cherishes. No tech user wants their personal information getting into the wrong hands, which is why we have security measures in place to protect our private data: face ID to unlock our phones, two-factor authentication to log into banking apps and fingerprint technology to securely enter any system—from a computer to your front door. Encryption codes are used on each of these platforms to encode private data and allow only authorized users to access it. These measures are put in place to protect us, but new advancements in technology could soon challenge these secure systems that we have come to know and trust. Quantum computers are extraordinary machines capable of solving problems far beyond the scope of today’s standard computers. Although these computers are not commercially available, scientists harness their power for experimentation and data storage. Quantum computers excel in scientific development, but they may also prove to be a threat to existing technology that we use in our daily lives. Experts predict that by 2035, quantum computers could crack the very encryption codes that secure everyday transactions and data. Jiafeng Xie, PhD, associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Villanova University, is at the forefront of this battle, using his Security and Cryptography Lab to strengthen security measures against the threat of quantum computers. The Rise of Post-Quantum Cryptography Since quantum computer advancements are accelerating at an unprecedented pace, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has emerged as a critical area of research and development. Scientists who study PQC are working to come up with new algorithms to encode our sensitive data, with a goal of being installed after quantum computers crack our current encryption systems. Without these new algorithms, once quantum computers break our current codes, sensitive data—whether personal, corporate or governmental—could be left vulnerable to malicious actors. The core problem of our current encryption system lies in the foundation of public-key cryptosystems. Public-key cryptography is a method of encryption where the user logs into a system using their own private “key”, and the back end of the system has a “key” as well. A “key” is a large numerical value that scrambles data so that it appears random. When a user logs in, their “key” can decrypt private information held by the public “key” in the system to ensure a secure login. This security method is safe right now, but these systems rely on mathematical principles that, while secure against classical computing attacks, are vulnerable to the immense processing power of quantum computers. At the heart of the vulnerability is Shor's algorithm, developed by MIT computer scientist Peter Shor in 1994. As Dr. Xie explained, “Shor invented an algorithm to solve prime factors of an integer that can supposedly run on a quantum computer. This algorithm, if run on a large-scale mature quantum computer, can easily solve all these existing cryptosystems' mathematical formulation, which is a problem." The realization of this potential threat has spurred an increased focus on the development of post-quantum cryptography over the past decade. The goal is clear: "We want to have some sort of cryptosystem that is resistant to quantum computer attacks," says Dr. Xie. In 2016, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began the process of standardizing post-quantum cryptography. In July 2022, NIST selected four algorithms to continue on to the standardization process, where they are currently being tested for safety and security against quantum computers. The standardization process for these new algorithms is intensive, and two of the candidates that were announced for testing have already been broken during the process. Scientists are in a race against time to increase the diversity of their algorithms and come up with alternate options for standardization. The urgency of this shift to post-quantum cryptography is underscored by recent government action. The White House released a national security memo in 2022 stating that the U.S. government must transition to quantum-resistant algorithms by 2035. This directive emphasizes the critical nature of post-quantum cryptography in maintaining not just personal but national security. Villanova’s Security and Cryptography Lab Once a new algorithm is selected by NIST, it will need to be embedded into various platforms that need to be secured—this is where Dr. Xie’s Security and Cryptography Lab comes in. This lab is actively conducting research into how the newly selected algorithm can be implemented in the most effective and resourceful way. The lab team is working on developing techniques for this new algorithm so that it can be embedded into many different types of platforms, including credit cards and fingerprint technology. However, there are significant challenges in this process. As Dr. Xie explains, "Different platforms have different constraints. A chip-based credit card, for example, has limited space for embedding new encryption systems. If the implementation technique is too large, it simply won’t work.” Another arising issue from this research is security. During the application of this new algorithm, there's a risk of information or security leakage, so Dr. Xie is always on the lookout for developing security issues that could cause problems down the road. The Future of Post-Quantum Cryptography The implications of PQC are widespread and extend far beyond academic research. As Dr. Xie points out, "All existing cryptosystems, as long as they have some sort of function—for example, signing in or entering a password for login—all of these systems are vulnerable to quantum attacks." This vulnerability affects everything from banking systems to small-scale security measures like fingerprint door locks. The scope of this transition is massive, requiring updates to encrypted systems across all sectors of technology. His goal is to ensure that these new cryptographic systems are flexible enough to be applied to everything from small devices like credit cards and drones to large-scale infrastructure like data centers and military equipment. Although researchers are hard at work now, the future of post-quantum cryptography is not without uncertainties. Dr. Xie raises an important question: "When quantum computers become available, will the algorithms we develop today be broken?" While the newly developed algorithms will theoretically be secure, vulnerabilities can emerge when implementing any kind of new security system. These potential vulnerabilities highlight the importance of conducting this research now so that the new algorithms can go through intensive testing prior to being implemented. Despite these challenges, Dr. Xie emphasizes the importance of being prepared for this new reality. "Society as a whole needs to be prepared with this kind of knowledge,” he says. “A new era is coming. With our current security systems, we need to have revolutionized change. On the other hand, we should not be panicked. We just need continued support to do more related research in this field.” More extensive research is required to ensure that our privacy is protected as we enter a new era of quantum computing, but labs like the Security and Cryptography Lab at Villanova are a step in the right direction. Although the “years to quantum” clock is ticking down, researchers like Dr. Xie are well on their way to ensuring that our digital infrastructure remains secure in the face of evolving technological threats.

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