The Power of Impartiality: VisiLeap AI Relevancy Assessment for Acceleroute's Data Center and Networking Patent Portfolio

Apr 5, 2024

2 min

Greg Waite

The Power of Impartiality: Exploring the Benefits of VisiLeap AI's Relevancy Assessment for Acceleroute's Patent Portfolio

Unlocking Patent Portfolio Potential

Acceleroute's patent portfolio is a treasure trove of innovative ideas and concepts. However, the challenge lies in identifying which patents are truly valuable and relevant in today's fast-paced technological landscape. With InventionShare's VisiLeap AI's relevancy assessment scorecarding, Acceleroute can now unlock the full potential of its patent portfolio organized by companies that could benefit as well as major data center considerations and new demands such as virtual and augmented reality, AI LLMs and AGI.

Efficient Opportunity Identification

By leveraging VisiLeap AI and human dataset creation and scorecarding, patent portfolios such as Acceleroute can be unbiasedly assessed as to their relevancy to global corporations or new high growth enterprises. This eliminates the guesswork and allows the AcceleRoute to fairly represent their portfolio without any bias. 

Maximizing ROI

One of the key benefits of VisiLeap AI's relevancy assessment tool is its ability to maximize return on investment for Acceleroute's patent portfolio. By strategically identifying high-value patents in the context of leading technology companies and use case, the company can prioritize companies for licensing or acquisition of the portfolio. 

Staying Ahead of the Competition

In today's competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for long-term success. VisiLeap AI's assessment software gives Acceleroute the competitive edge by helping them identify the relevancy of each of the individual patents in the portfolio in the context of industry competitors and emerging technology trends.  

The portfolio currently has 39 US patents (with many equivalent Canadian patents) and two continuation's in process. 

In conclusion, the VisiLeap AI's relevancy assessment presents a solid opportunity for Acceleroute to unleash the full potential of its patent portfolio. To explore how this technology can benefit your organization contact us today for a personalized consultation.

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Greg Waite

Greg Waite

Founder & CEO

Greg Waite is an entrepreneur, inventor and investor who specializes in monetizing platform technologies.

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