2 min
Ghoulish discovery: Exploring YouTube's role in the rise of belief in the paranormal
In recent years, YouTube has become an influential platform for various communities, notably for enthusiasts of the paranormal and ghosts. Paul Brewer, University of Delaware communication professor, set out to see how this happens and what we can learn from this in terms of how individuals perceive other messaging that may sit at the fringes of mainstream belief. During the 1990s, a big wave of research erupted on how media messages might influence people's belief in paranormal topics with popular television shows like “Alien Autopsy” and “Crossing Over with John Edwards.” A second wave of research occurred in the mid-2000s in response to cable television series such as “Ghost Hunters” and “Finding Big Foot.” Since then, the media landscape has evolved beyond traditional outlets like print, television and radio to include multimedia, such as YouTube, TikTok and other platforms. In his latest work, published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, Brewer looked beyond consuming paranormal television to include the use of social media, especially YouTube. “If you think about the paranormal, YouTube is a platform that seems like an especially plausible candidate to shape people's beliefs because seeing is believing—and it is a very visual storytelling medium,” said Brewer. "It’s not just a fun, kooky idea to study. About half the public believes in UFOs and almost half the public believes in ghosts and haunted houses, even though these phenomena aren't recognized by mainstream science." By way of example, Brewer pointed to a fictional documentary-style show that claimed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) knew about mermaids and was hiding evidence for them, including real video footage. The show included disclaimers, but viewers ignored them, revealing an important detail about the power of belief. Brewer is available to speak more broadly on the topic and his findings. He can be contacted by emailing mediarelations@udel.edu.