How the Trump verdict will impact the election

How the Trump verdict will impact the election

May 31, 20241 min read

When members of the jury handed down their guilty verdict in NY v. Donald J. Trump, they had simply completed their nearly three-month stint of civic duty. At the same time, they had set in motion a seismic shift in the 2024 election. What's not clear is which way that shift will go, said David Redlawsk, professor and chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware.

Redlawsk is a political psychologist with expertise in campaigns, voter behavior, decision making and emotion. His research focuses on how voters process political information to make their decisions.

In addition to publishing volumes of research and writing several books on politics, Redlawsk also has years of experience on the frontlines. He's worked behind the scenes on campaigns and ran for local office – winning and losing as a member of both major parties.

To arrange an interview with Redlawsk, visit his profile and click on the contact button. These messages will go directly to Redlawsk and a member of the UD media relations team

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  • David Redlawsk
    David Redlawsk Professor and Chair, Political Science Political Science and International Relations

    Prof. Redlawsk is a political psychologist with expertise in campaigns, voter behavior, decision making, and emotion.

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