Just What Does a VP do?

Our political #experts can answer that!

Jul 14, 2024

2 min

The role of the Vice President of the United States is a cornerstone of the nation's political landscape, serving as both a key advisor to the President and a crucial leader in the Senate. This position is not only newsworthy due to its proximity to the highest levels of power but also because it often serves as a springboard for future presidential candidates. The Vice President's influence on policy, governance, and national discourse makes it a pivotal role that impacts numerous aspects of American life. Understanding this role and its implications can provide insights into the dynamics of the U.S. government and its decision-making processes. Key story angles for journalists could include:

  • Historical Evolution: Exploring how the responsibilities and significance of the Vice Presidency have changed over time, from a relatively minor role to a central figure in the administration.
  • Influence on Policy: Examining the Vice President's role in shaping and advocating for major policies, including economic, foreign, and domestic issues.
  • Succession and Stability: Highlighting the importance of the Vice President in the line of presidential succession and their role in ensuring continuity and stability in the government.
  • Senate Leadership: Investigating the Vice President's role as the President of the Senate, including their influence on legislative processes and their ability to cast tie-breaking votes.
  • Public Perception: Analyzing how the public views the Vice President and how this perception can affect their effectiveness and legacy.
  • Vice Presidential Candidates: Covering the selection process for Vice Presidential candidates, including the criteria and considerations that go into choosing a running mate.

Photo Credit: Truman Library

By focusing on the role of the Vice President of America, journalists can provide the public with a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the U.S. political system and the significance of this influential office.

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