Aviation Expert, Michael Canders, Available To Speak On The Subject Of Air Travel And Drones


1 min

As drones become an increasing threat to airliners and passenger safety, the FAA is now considering requiring all drone operators to register their unmanned aircrafts.

Our expert on aviation safety, Michael Canders, is ready to comment on these and related issues. Click Professor Canders' photo below to contact him directly, or call Kathy Coley or Peter Crescenti at 631-420-2400.

Approved Quotes:


"Smaller drones the size of model airplanes can be sucked into an aircraft engine, strike a critical flight control surface, or can break through a windshield injuring a pilot with further disastrous results for the passengers and crew."

- Dr. Michael Canders, Director, Flight Line

"The FAA is struggling mightily to safely integrate drone flights into our complex National Airspace System, but the tidal wave of these low-cost unmanned flying machines may be too great for the agency to prevent the first airline crash caused by collision with a drone. The Medill National Security Zone, an arm of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism focusing on national security issues, has estimated that there will be 30,000 drones in the air by 2020."

- Dr. Michael Canders, Director, Flight Line
