CAF Bank’s new £20m funding line for Almshouses


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In a year when the Almshouse Association is celebrating its 75th anniversary, CAF Bank is keen to support the movement. Almshouses have been providing assistance to those in need across the UK for more than a thousand years and they are one of our oldest and most impactful forms of charity.

CAF Bank has put together a £20m funding line to support almshouses with development, refinance, and building acquisition over the next year. The Bank is also able to offer a discounted arrangement fee during this period.

Richard Hunt, Head of Customer and Lending, said:

“We have been privileged to develop supportive relationships with a range of almshouses around the UK.

“Our work with significant organisations such as The Finchley Charities and the Durham Aged Mineworkers’ Homes Association has illustrated our understanding of how these incredible organisations work and the difference they can make. We look forward to building on this in future.”

To find out more about how CAF Bank can help meet your aims and support your beneficiaries please visit our website or contact Richard Hunt (Head of Customer & Lending), Scott Newman (Regional Director, South) or Stuart Niven (Regional Director, North).