Hounslow, Isle of Wight and Brighton & Hove - New research reveals most generous areas in England and Wales


2 min

The London Borough of Hounslow is the most generous area in England and Wales, according to new research by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

People in the West London borough give the highest percentage of the average salary in the local area to charity, making it the most generous place in England. In Hounslow, the median donation is £35 compared to the average across England and Wales of £20. The second most generous area is the Isle of Wight, despite having one of the lowest average salaries in the country, followed by Brighton & Hove, and Ealing in West London. Conwy is the most generous place in Wales, giving the highest average donation compared to salary.

CAF has used its unique database of charitable giving patterns to create an interactive map of giving levels across England and Wales.

The CAF UK Giving Report recently found that people in the UK donated £10.7 billion to charity in 2021, a substantial decrease from the £11.3 billion that was given in 2020 during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The current cost-of-living crisis means that giving behaviour may change again in the latter half of 2022. Around one in eight (13%) are considering cutting back on donations in the next six months, while one in 12 people (8%) said they had chosen not to make a one-off donation between March and May.

Neil Heslop OBE, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said:

“Our new research uncovers the heartening generosity of people in many different areas of England and Wales.

“As we all face financial cost-of-living pressures, we encourage people to carry on giving what they can, or consider supporting in other ways by donating items to charity shops or volunteering, to help charities to continue their vital work helping the most vulnerable in society.

“Government could also further support charities by introducing measures such as making the Gift Aid process easier, which effectively tops up donations, and ensuring charities benefit from levelling-up funding.”

The ten most generous areas in England and Wales are: Hounslow, Isle of Wight, Brighton & Hove, Ealing, Conwy, Powys, Ceredigion, Hackney, Buckinghamshire, and Wolverhampton.

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Neil Heslop is the Chief Executive of Charities Aid Foundation, a leading charity operating in the UK and internationally. He is available to speak with media about how the reduction on donations is impacting those most in need and how we all can work to reverse this trend across the UK and globe.

To arrange an interview simply click on Neil's icon now to arrange a time to talk today.