Improving equity in access to palliative care - interview with Dr. Naheed Dosani


1 min

The Partnership recently interviewed Dr. Naheed Dosani, one of our health equity advisors, about the Improving Equity in Access to Palliative Care program. The initiative, launched in 2022, is a partnership between Health Excellence Canada (HEC) and the Partnership that focuses on improving access to palliative approaches to care with and for people who are experiencing homelessness or vulnerable housing in Canada. Dr. Dosani serves as co-chair of the Steering Committee for the program.


The guiding principles of palliative care are based on dignity and compassion. How do you centre those values for the ones who are among the most marginalized in our communities?

Dr. Dosani: The first way we approach that is to always meet people where they are at. That can mean in a geographical sense – conducting a visit for a client in an alleyway or a park or a shelter – but also in an emotional sense. Sometimes we are very quick in health care to apply a medical model of care and that doesn’t always work for some people. Some people want to be just heard, or want to focus on their finances or housing, or help with forms that need to be filled out. Some just need a bit of company to feel welcome and included.

Read the full interview here.