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Jeffrey Busse - Emory University, Goizueta Business School. Atlanta, GA, US

Jeffrey Busse

Professor of Finance | Emory University, Goizueta Business School






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Jeffrey Busse joined Emory University and Goizueta Business School in 1998. His research focuses on investments, with an emphasis on mutual funds. Jeff received his PhD from New York University, where he was an instructor from 1996-1998. Jeff has worked for Ford Motor Company, American Express, and Honeywell.

Education (3)

New York University: PhD, Finance 1998

University of Chicago: MBA, Finance 1992

University of Minnesota: BSc, Electrical Engineering (minor Mathematics) 1987

Areas of Expertise (3)


Mutual Funds

Hedge Funds

Publications (3)

Double-Adjusted Mutual Fund Performance

Review of Asset Pricing Studies

Jeff Busse, Lei Jiang, Yuehua Tang


Mutual fund returns are significantly related to stock characteristics in the cross section after controlling for risk via factor models. We develop a new double-adjusted approach that controls for both factor-model betas and stock characteristics in one performance measure. The new measure substantially affects performance rankings, with a quarter of funds experiencing a change in percentile ranking greater than ten. Double-adjusted performance produces strong evidence of persistence in relative performance. Inference based on the new measure often differs, sometimes dramatically, from that based on traditional performance estimates.

Transaction Costs, Portfolio Characteristics, and Mutual Fund Performance

Management Science

Jeff Busse, Tarun Chordia, Lei Jiang, Yuehua Tang


We study the interdependencies between transaction costs, portfolio characteristics, and mutual fund performance. Using a novel dataset of actual mutual fund trades, we find that, controlling for investment style, larger funds realize lower percentage transaction costs than smaller funds. Larger mutual funds trade less frequently and hold bigger stocks to actively avoid incurring higher trading costs. Gross returns of larger funds are lower than those of smaller funds due, in part, to the characteristics of their holdings, which suggests that decreasing returns to scale could arise due to limited investment opportunities because of trading cost constraints. Taken together, our results highlight the tradeoffs faced by mutual funds between trading costs, portfolio characteristics, and fund performance as they grow in size.

Trading Regularity and Fund Performance

Review of Financial Studies

Jeff Busse, Lin Tong, Qing Tong, Joe Zhang


We construct a new measure of trading regularity, capturing the extent to which investors trade on a regular basis. Institutional investors that regularly trade outperform those that trade less regularly. The performance of funds that regularly trade persists for at least a year. Among those who trade most regularly, larger funds perform relatively worse, because they incur higher transaction costs associated with their larger trades. Institutions that regularly trade generate superior performance, in part, by behaving as contrarians and by trading more aggressively on information. By contrast, we find no relation between trading regularity and performance among index funds.

Research Spotlight

In the News (1)

Coffee With… Jeff Busse

Emory Business  


Jeff Busse, associate professor of finance, and Jim Minnick 99EvMBA, founder and CEO of eVestment, first crossed paths in 1998. Busse was teaching his first Emory course—International Finance—and Minnick was finishing his Evening MBA and planning the Cobb County, GA-based business that is now one of the largest institutional investment data and analytics companies in the world. Busse and Minnick caught up recently over coffee in the Oxford Building’s living room on the Emory campus...

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