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Ibrahim Guven, Ph.D. - VCU College of Engineering. Engineering East Hall, Room E3234, Richmond, VA, US

Ibrahim Guven, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering | VCU College of Engineering

Engineering East Hall, Room E3234, Richmond, VA, UNITED STATES

Professor Guven specializes in fracture and failure analysis using peridynamics.






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Industry Expertise (2)



Areas of Expertise (8)

Fracture and failure analysis using Peridynamics

Impact and penetration mechanics

Finite element method

Boundary element method

Multi-scale modeling of physical phenomena

Micro/nano-scale testing and measurement techniques

Stress and failure analysis of electronic components

Fatigue reliability of solder joints in electronic packages

Education (3)

University of Arizona: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering 2000

Middle East Technical University: M.S., Engineering Sciences 1994

Middle East Technical University: B.S., Civil Engineering 1991

Selected Articles (3)

Drop-Shock Failure Prediction in Electronic Packages by Using Peridynamic Theory

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

2012 Peridynamic (PD) theory is used to investigate the dynamic responses of electronic packages subjected to impact loading arising from drop-shock. The capability of the PD theory to predict failure is demonstrated by simulating a drop test experiment of a laboratory-type package. The failure predictions and observations are exceptionally similar. For the drop test simulation of a production-type package, the finite element method (FEM) and PD theory are coupled via a submodeling approach. The global modeling is performed using the FEM while the PD theory is employed for the submodeling and failure prediction. The analysis yielded the outermost solder joint as the critical joint, with failure at the interface between the solder and copper pad on the printed circuit board side.

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Simulations of Nanowire Bend Tests for Extracting Mechanical Properties

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

2011 Mechanical properties of nickel nanowires are characterized based on the numerical simulations of bend tests performed with a customized atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Nickel nanowire specimens are subjected to bending loads by the tip of the AFM cantilever. The experimental force versus bending displacement curves are compared against simulations from finite element analysis and peridynamic theory, and the mechanical properties are extracted based on their best correlations. Similarly, SEM images of fractured nanowires are compared against peridynamic failure simulations. The results of this study reveal that nickel nanowires have significantly higher strengths than their bulk counterparts, although their elastic modulus values are comparable to bulk nickel modulus values.

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Predicting Crack Propagation with Peridynamics: A Comparative Stud

International Journal of Fracture

2011 The fidelity of the peridynamic theory in predicting fracture is investigated through a comparative study. Peridynamic predictions for fracture propagation paths and speeds are compared against various experimental observations. Furthermore, these predictions are compared to the previous predictions from extended finite elements (XFEM) and the cohesive zone model (CZM). Three different fracture experiments are modeled using peridynamics: two experimental benchmark dynamic fracture problems and one experimental crack growth study involving the impact of a matrix plate with a stiff embedded inclusion. In all cases, it is found that the peridynamic simulations capture fracture paths, including branching and microbranching that are in agreement with experimental observations. Crack speeds computed from the peridynamic simulation are on the same order as those of XFEM and CZM simulations. It is concluded that the peridynamic theory is a suitable analysis method for dynamic fracture problems involving multiple cracks with complex branching patterns.

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