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Benn R. Konsynski - Emory University, Goizueta Business School. Atlanta, GA, US

Benn R. Konsynski

George S. Craft Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management | Emory University, Goizueta Business School







Dr. Benn Konsynski, Emory B-School Professor and Halle Institute Digital Currency’s Role in Innovation, Commerce and Society: IoT to NTFs, featuring Ben Konsynski Meet Professor Benn Konsynski Technology and Adaptive Systems - ISOM 552




Benn R. Konsynski arrived at Goizueta Business School following six years on the faculty at the Harvard Business School where he taught in the MBA program and several executive programs. Prior to arriving at HBS, he was a professor at the University of Arizona where he was a co-founder of the university's multi-million dollar group decision support laboratory. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University.

He has published in such diverse journals as Communications of the ACM, Harvard Business Review, IEEE Transactions on Communications, MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, Data Communications, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Education (1)

Purdue University: PhD, Computer Science

Areas of Expertise (5)

Electronic data interchange (EDI)

Channel systems

Electronic integration

Information partnerships

Digital Commerce

Publications (5)

Research commentary-Platform evolution: Coevolution of platform architecture, governance, and environmental dynamics

Information Systems Research

2010 The emergence of software-based platforms is shifting competition toward platform-centric ecosystems, although this phenomenon has not received much attention in information systems research. Our premise is that the coevolution of the design, governance, and ...

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Complementarities between organizational IT architecture and governance structure

Information Systems Research

2010 This study addresses the theoretically neglected interplay between organizational information technology (IT) architecture and IT governance structure in shaping IT alignment. We theoretically develop the idea that IT architecture modularity helps sustain IT ...

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Second Life and other virtual worlds: A roadmap for research

28th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

2007 Virtual worlds like Second Life are becoming important tools for, among other activities, socialization, social networking, entertainment, collaboration, and business development. These environments offer information systems researchers a unique ...

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Virtual worlds: multi-disciplinary research opportunities


2007 Virtual worlds are now a reality, representing intriguing environments for researchers from multiple fields to pursue collaborative investigations. To provide a background, we first highlight the basic business and sociological phenomena occurring ...

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Strategic and institutional perspectives in the adoption and early integration of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

System Sciences

2007 Using multiple lenses of strategic choice theories (diffusion of innovation, organizational innovativeness) and institutional theory as the basis and reflecting data from semi-structured interviews and news reports, the study develops an integrative conceptual ...

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Research Spotlight

In the News (6)

Networking 2.0 Series: What’s Next for Professional Networking?

CKGSB Knowledge  online


Data analytics can help identify factors that correlate with success in particular projects or occupation, which should help break down certain kinds of older networks that weren’t based on merit.

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IDR, Inc. Presents Inaugural Speaker Series, “Elevate 2016”

PRWEB  online


Eric French, Founder and President of IDR, is proud to introduce speakers Kelly Kierans, President and COO at Celtic Testing Experts, Mike Cleland, Staffing Industry Consultant at Charted Path, Nash Ogden, President at Innoppl Inc. and Dr. Benn Konsynski, Professor at Goizueta Business School Emory University. Hiring managers, CIO’s, industry leaders and executives are among the guest list...

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The inconvenient truth about the convenience of technology

Emory News Center  online


What followed was an “explosion of adoption and consumer-driven content,” says Benn Konsynski, George S. Craft Distinguished University Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management at Goizueta. “Consumers came online and were not just shopping but also adding content.”...

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Anthem data breach could be 'lifelong battle' for customers

IndyStar  online


Numerous tools exist that companies can deploy and this episode brings home the need for better protective measures, said Benn Konsynski, George S. Craft professor of information systems and operations management at Emory University's Goizueta Business School. "The scale is enormous. I am sort of bewildered that we still have this magnitude of exposure," he said. "It certainly is the third or the fourth wake-up call to the market. ... (It) is incumbent on firms like that to go the extra mile to make sure that exposure is prevented or minimized in those processes."...

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The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Experts say Home Depot data breach widespread

AJC  online


Benn Konsynski, an Emory University cyber security expert and information systems professor, said the size of the breaches is troubling. “It says that this information has accumulated in single repositories and is accessible,” he said. “Our practices are 20th century while we in the 21st century. The bad guys are operating with 21st century tools.”...

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Fall college classes showcase Emory strengths

Emory News Center  


Appcology: New Commerce Infrastructure Systems Instructor: Benn Konsynski, George S. Craft Distinguished University Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management, Goizueta Business School...

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