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Xiao Qiao

Economics Editor | Fair Observer


Fair Observer's Economics Editor turns the dismal science into must-read content through an informative & engaging perspective on the issues





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Xiao is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Chicago. While still an undergraduate, Xiao worked with the legendary Professor Franklin Allen on the causes and policies of the Great Recession.

He is passionate about macroeconomics and finance, and follows global trends closely. As a native Mandarin speaker who has worked on Chinese economic issues, he has deep insights into the Chinese economy.

Industry Expertise (6)

Public Policy

International Affairs

International Trade and Development

Writing and Editing

Media - Online

Financial Services

Areas of Expertise (5)

Chinese Economics

International Finance


Public Policy in China

Chinese Real Estate Market

Accomplishments (3)

Economics Editor – Fair Observer (professional)


Fair Observer is a multimedia, multidisciplinary, multinational platform that provides analysis of issues, events, and trends of global significance. Fair Observer brings clarity to the complex and dynamic world we live in. Our aim is to provide a platform for voices from different disciplines, various philosophies and many parts of the world. Our goal is to give you a 360° view of the world, with a plurality of perspectives, with diversity and debate, and with the story behind the story.

Recipient – R. M. Brick Award (professional)

In 2011, Xiao received the R. M. Brick Award from the University of Pennsylvania. The award is named for the first chairman of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and is awarded to the graduating senior who has demonstrated through a combination of academic performance, effort, and personal qualities that he or she will be a credit to the Department, the School, and the University.

Recipient – Faculty Appreciation Award (professional)

In 2011, Xiao received the Faculty Appreciation Award from the University of Pennsylvania. This special award is given by the faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science to recognize and honor outstanding students for their service to the University.

Education (2)

University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School: Bachelor of Science, Economics, Statistics 2011

Activities and Societies: Wharton Social Impact Research Experience (WSIRE), Wharton Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR), Founding Father of Delta Colony of Sigma Pi Fraternity

University of Pennsylvania: Bachelor of Science, Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics 2011

Activities and Societies: Founder and President of Materials Science and Engineering Society, Grader for MSE 330 Soft Materials, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Promoting Enriching Experiences and Relationships (PEER) Mentoring Program


  • Keynote
  • Moderator
  • Panelist
  • Workshop Leader
  • Host/MC
  • Corporate Training


*Will consider certain engagements for no fee