Wining and dining - but hold the kids, please. Is banning children a bold idea or bad for business?

Wining and dining - but hold the kids, please. Is banning children a bold idea or bad for business?

April 3, 20171 min read

We've all been there and we've all seen it.

The peace, serenity and romance of a nice night out shattered by other people's children.

In North Carolina, one restaurant has had enough. After an incident with a toddler, an iPad and two parents who just didn't seem to care about other customers - they got the boot by the restaurant's owners. Further still, it provoked the owner to ban ALL children under five years old.

There's been backlash online. However, the fine dining facility has also seen a serious uptick in reservations and new business.

So will this trend catch on? Is it good for business? Is it time parents redrew a fine-dining line in what is kid appropriate - or could this potentially spoil and sour the reputation of a local restaurant.

To answer these questions, Cambrian's experts can help.

Nancy Griffin is a professor and the Program Coordinator for Cambrian College's Public Relations program. She has spoken many times with media regarding branding, marketing and what makes for solid public relations in the world of business. Nancy is available to speak to media at any time - simply click on her icon to arrange an interview.


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