Deal or no deal – is Britain about to go bust with Brexit?

Deal or no deal – is Britain about to go bust with Brexit?

March 28, 20191 min read

It’s pretty much deal or no deal. After a couple of years on negotiating, glad-handing, spinning and voting – Britain is now looking down the barrel of leaving the European Union with no deal in place.

With two years to figure things out, it seems infighting and politics have help Theresa May and Britain in a stagnant stalemate when it comes to agreeing on any sort of term for the U.K. to leave the E.U with some semblance of a trade agreement in place.

  • So, what can we expect in the days before April 12?
  • What’s the hold-up now?
  • Is the economy really in jeopardy and what will that mean globally?
  • And is it a big deal? Is it a matter of renegotiating after the deadline or does Britain risk leaving an enormous amount of trade leverage on the table?

There’s so much up in the air right now with Brexit - and that’s where the experts from Cedarville University can help.

Dr. Glen Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secessionism, comparative politics, and international relations theory. Glen is available to speak to media regarding the rise of extremism – simply click on his icon to arrange an interview.

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  • Glen Duerr, Ph.D.
    Glen Duerr, Ph.D. Professor of International Studies

    Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory

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