Getting the facts on carbon tax for small to medium-sized businesses.

Getting the facts on carbon tax for small to medium-sized businesses.

May 16, 20191 min read

The carbon tax has become an election issue, a matter before the courts and the subject of coast to coast political talk. Each province and federal party are seemingly taking a side and spreading their own messaging on what the carbon tax means for small to medium-sized businesses. 

Heading into summer and this year's top issue is the carbon tax. Some owners claim that the rebates are not enough to cover the combined shipping, storage, services or other escalating costs. On the other hand, some are stating that's not the case, in fact, the new incentives are helping them increase business and create jobs.

Do you know all the facts about the carbon tax?

We have an expert that can help answer how much is it, who is paying and how is it impacting your business in Northern Ontario and across the province? 

John Greenidge, Manager at Freelandt Caldwell Reilly LLP, is an expert in the areas of Indirect Tax, Federal Sales Tax (GST/HST), Provincial Sales Tax (PST/RST), Taxation and Accounting services. To contact John, simply click contact John below to arrange an appointment regarding this topic.


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