There’s a new way of life coming to China, and for most observers it feels a lot like the book 1984.
As officially explained, China’s new ‘Social Credit System’ – it is designed to enforce accountability, keep the public safe and as the Chinese government put it – to create a “culture of sincerity” that will “restore social trust.”
What it will do is shame, embarrass, hamstring and potentially ruin the social and economic opportunities for anyone who falls out of line with strict government regulations and rules.
It sounds frightening to us, but according to Chinese officials, it’s just a concept Westerners are to ‘unsophisticated’ to comprehend.
Here’s a snapshot from the article attached below outlining some of the social shaming and consequences:
“And the punishments are shocking. The government algorithm will go as far as to install an “embarrassing” ring tone on the phones of laolai, shaming them every time they get a call in public.
But an embarrassing ring tone, flight bans and slow trains are just the beginning of the dystopian nightmare that is now daily life in China for tens of millions of people.
A low social credit score will exclude you from well-paid jobs, make it impossible for you to get a house or a car loan or even book a hotel room. The government will slow down your internet connection, ban your children from attending private schools and even post your profile on a public blacklist for all to see.
According to Australia’s ABC News, the government has produced a “Deadbeat Map” via an app on WeChat, which shows a radar-style graphic identifying every laolai in the vicinity of the user.
“Tapping on a person marked on the map reveals their personal information, including their full name, court-case number and the reason they have been labeled untrustworthy. Identity-card numbers and home addresses are also partially shown,” ABC reported.” New York Post
It’s as astounding as it is almost Orwellian. And it is happening. Are you covering and do you need to know more? That’s where our experts can help.
Dr. Glen Duerr's research interests include nationalism and secessionism, comparative politics, and international relations theory. Glen is available to speak to media regarding the rise of extremism – simply click on his icon to arrange an interview.