18 Years since 9/11 – Let an expert from Cedarville help with your coverage

Sep 10, 2019

2 min

Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

It’s been 18 years since the attacks of 9/11 and that moment still occupies how this country approaches security, the military and foreign affairs.

Terrorism and attacks both home and abroad are still top of mind and Secretaries of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Janet Napolitano, and Jeh Johnson were recently called to testify in Washington about the state of America’s readiness against terror attacks in the near two decades since September 11, 2001.

The changes to policy, legislation and how America approaches security have drastically altered how society functions either in plain sight (at airports) or behind the scenes (phone monitoring and cellular digital gathering). The ripple effects of 9/11 are still being felt and being debated by lawmakers at every level in Washington.

“Americans are still dealing with the aftermath of the post-9/11 world in other ways. The Trump administration is currently negotiating with the Taliban to end the 18-year war in Afghanistan, or at least to end the U.S. and NATO military presence there. A growing number of Democrats have called for the dismantling of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, just one of many agencies housed within the colossal and dysfunctional Department of Homeland Security, which was created in 2003. Congress is also set to decide whether to permanently reauthorize the National Security Agency’s moribund call-records program that began shortly after the September 11 attacks.” September 06 – New Republic

Are you a journalist covering domestic and international terrorism? Do you have questions about how ready, vulnerable or susceptible America is to another attack?  What laws are needed and which policies need to be sun-setted now that so much time has passed.

Then that’s where our experts can help.

Dr. Glen Duerr's research interests include nationalism and secessionism, comparative politics, and international relations theory. Glen is available to speak to media regarding the state of America’s homeland security – simply click on his icon to arrange an interview.

Connect with:
Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

Professor of International Studies

Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory

International TerrorismDomestic TerrorismInternational RelationsBrexit

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