Alphabet And Fitbit: Could This Be the Competition the Wearables Segment Has Been Waiting For?

Oct 30, 2019

1 min

If Google can use FitBit to dominate the wearables market as they did with the android operating system for smartphones, the acquisition could make sense. Of course, the major player in this market is Apple.

Circuit Seed for configurable analog in scalable digital and CoreLogika for hyperspeed logic computing are technologies that could lead to a significant improvement in performance over the Apple watch. These technologies are built using the Complementary Current-Injection Field-Effect Transistor (CiFET). This configurable platform uses the ratio of the source and drain channels to meet specific performance requirements for each application. The circuits are less complex, linear without correction circuitry, and much smaller using a fraction of the power consumption of similar components. They generate less heat and operate over a wide temperature range - improving the performance, sensitivity and reliability of the circuits. This results in longer battery life and more accurate measurements, making them suitable for monitoring applications for physical activity and health. Alphabet already has a health science division that will be an important asset.

If the acquisition is successful, we expect to see an android smart phone integration with Fitbit that could extend the monitoring, data collection and analysis capabilities. The simplicity of Circuit Seed makes the RF connectivity an easy task to complete.

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Lesley Gent

Director Client Relations, InventionShare™

(613) 225-7236, Ext 131

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Metaverse...have you met AcceleRoute?

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In High Frequency Trading, Every Nanosecond Counts!

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