Public lecture: Be kind - effective design of software with and for real people
Professor Jo Lumsden to give inaugural lecture on 9 March
Will discuss need to approach software design with basic kindness.
How software can be designed with kindness at its core is to be explored in a public lecture at Aston University.
Professor Jo Lumsden is to give her inaugural lecture Be kind - effective design of software with and for real people on 9 March, which will be open to the public.
Professor Lumsden said: “The approach to software development, however admirable, is often dominated by either the domain expert or the engineer who builds the software.
“All too often, the voices of the real people who are destined to use the software are overlooked, or age-old techniques are adopted that do not support inclusive design or evaluation of such technologies.”
Professor Lumsden will reflect on a wide range of examples which demonstrate novelty, or innovation. These could be in terms of designing with and interaction for end users, and evaluation to ensure feasibility and usability of technology that will be acceptable to end users.
Professor Lumsden added: “Technology should be developed to help solve our problems or to improve our lives.
“I am passionate about the fundamental need to approach software design with basic kindness.
“I hope that the examples I will share in my lecture will inspire others to embrace empathetic approaches to future software design, so that collectively we can realise an effective and acceptable technological future.”
Jo Lumsden is professor of human computer interaction in the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences at Aston University where she is also pro vice-chancellor (research integrity), head of the Computer Science Department and director of the Aston Interactive Media Lab.
She has worked in research for more than 25 years and her recent work has centred on design and development of mobile assistive technologies which enhance the quality of life of those with special, typically healthcare-related, needs.
Her multidisciplinary research brings together technologists, domain experts, and most importantly end users, to co-design technology, empowering end users to ensure their needs are met via the introduction of technology.
The free event will be taking place on 9 March from 6 pm to 8 pm and will be followed by a drinks reception. To sign up for a place visit